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I know how I'm getting to WOA (via crazy Dutchies from the Blind Guardian forum picking me up in Amsterdam) but what about bringing camping gear overseas (I'm in the U.S.)? Do planes let you bring tents and whatnot on flights if they're packed and folded right, or is there a place near/in Wacken to rent gear or buy some, and how many Euros are we talking about if I had to rent/buy a tent and sleeping bag and stuff? You can contact me via msn with the answer as well.


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Jan. 2002
Apeldoorn- Netherlands
Melodica schrieb:
I know how I'm getting to WOA (via crazy Dutchies from the Blind Guardian forum picking me up in Amsterdam) but what about bringing camping gear overseas (I'm in the U.S.)? Do planes let you bring tents and whatnot on flights if they're packed and folded right, or is there a place near/in Wacken to rent gear or buy some, and how many Euros are we talking about if I had to rent/buy a tent and sleeping bag and stuff? You can contact me via msn with the answer as well.

I don't know if there is a special US policy but as far as I know you can bring camping stuff with you as luggage. You can bring anything with you as long as it doesn't weighs more than 20 kg (depends on flying company) and doesn't explode:)

But if you don't want to carry that stuff with you there is Wacken merchandise stuff which also contains tents and sleeping bags etc.
see the wacken website at the shop/outdoor area


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Melodica schrieb:
I know how I'm getting to WOA (via crazy Dutchies from the Blind Guardian forum picking me up in Amsterdam) but what about bringing camping gear overseas (I'm in the U.S.)? Do planes let you bring tents and whatnot on flights if they're packed and folded right, or is there a place near/in Wacken to rent gear or buy some, and how many Euros are we talking about if I had to rent/buy a tent and sleeping bag and stuff? You can contact me via msn with the answer as well.
You could also ask e.g. LooseCannon, Warthog, LEX or Brat how they did it. They all live in the US or Australia (for Brat), and they brought their stuff as well.

Only Loose left it behind. (that's to say, his "tent")


10 Jan. 2006
<- silly american

I reside in South East US (Jacksonville, FL to be precise) and this year is my first year going to Europe (and Wacken) And though I'm excited, I don't know exactly how to prepare. I've skimmed over some of the guides, which were somewhat helpful, and I'm going with my fiance (who is from Poland) but as far as plane tickets and whether I should fly to germany, or catch a train, or a bus, or... well, I'm not sure what would be best. And I'm clueless to European driving terms, so I'm not going to be driving. Is there a decent (all in english) site or post that tells more about virgins going to Wacken and Europe for the first time? I want this to be as enjoyable as possible. Also, the tickets, is there a way to buy certain day tickets (my work vacation time is limited) and is it better to sleep there, or at a nearby hotel? Remember, I'm female, and I like to shower and shit in a clean place. I'm sure this has all been said before, so could you guys be so kind as to point me to a good direction and give me a few tips?