the big int. forum meet @ WOA 2007

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W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
WHICH train station in Hamburg? (and I only mean the 4 main stations, Harburg, Dammtor, Hbf and Altona)

AS far as I know, on both Hbf and Altona, there is no way to buy cheap beer.

there is. Inside of Altona station (basement) there is a Lidl supermarket. Its been there for a few months now so this info might just not have gotten around :D
Don't know if they have bottled beer (glass bottles I mean) though, but they definitely do have cans (or plastic bottles? :confused: ).
If someone wants to know it exatcly I can easily find out as I live about 500 metres from there :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
there is. Inside of Altona station (basement) there is a Lidl supermarket. Its been there for a few months now so this info might just not have gotten around :D
Don't know if they have bottled beer (glass bottles I mean) though, but they definitely do have cans (or plastic bottles? :confused: ).
If someone wants to know it exatcly I can easily find out as I live about 500 metres from there :D

That's new then!?

I might be interested, but then again, how do I get rid of the bottles on Sunday? (I guess it'll be closed then)


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
That's new then!?

I might be interested, but then again, how do I get rid of the bottles on Sunday? (I guess it'll be closed then)

well, its not that new, but also not been there for years...

yepps, that shop is closed on sunday (much to the Altona punks' regret :D ).

I never tried to return pfand bottles on a sunday, but maybe you could get rid of them at the Spar market in Wacken.

They've changed the deposit law again and now every shop which is selling drinks has to take the bottles and cans back - well, officially they have to :rolleyes:.
In fact many small shops and gas stations take only back what you can buy there, because they are to small to store huge amounts of empty bottles. Just one more of those great German special regulations :D

Anyway, I'd try the Spar at Wacken. In Hamburg there's also one Lidl open on Sunday, and that one is at the Reeperbahn. But I really wouldn't recommend that option, its too intricate.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
well, its not that new, but also not been there for years...

yepps, that shop is closed on sunday (much to the Altona punks' regret :D ).

I never tried to return pfand bottles on a sunday, but maybe you could get rid of them at the Spar market in Wacken.

They've changed the deposit law again and now every shop which is selling drinks has to take the bottles and cans back - well, officially they have to :rolleyes:.
In fact many small shops and gas stations take only back what you can buy there, because they are to small to store huge amounts of empty bottles. Just one more of those great German special regulations :D

Anyway, I'd try the Spar at Wacken. In Hamburg there's also one Lidl open on Sunday, and that one is at the Reeperbahn. But I really wouldn't recommend that option, its too intricate.

Plus, I have to get other trains in order to get back and it's a long trip as it is.

But thanks for the info!


W:O:A Metalhead
My number: 017667786045

I think you will need that +49 German thing in front so it will be +4917667786045

Someone organise something, Germany is supposed to be an organised country with organised people and events... but it seems that Metalheads are the exception to the rule :D

Spam my phone = Break your face.


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
My number: 017667786045

I think you will need that +49 German thing in front so it will be +4917667786045

Someone organise something, Germany is supposed to be an organised country with organised people and events... but it seems that Metalheads are the exception to the rule :D

Spam my phone = Break your face.

Last year everthing was organised just a few weeks before WOA


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
well, there is already a forum camp organized - so that might be a good place for a meeting. You'd just need to settle for date & time :D