the big int. forum meet @ WOA 2007

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Lord Soth

I shall take your proffered beer annd thank you very much! Eh up, let's sup! :D

I can't wait 'til saturday...I can finally crack open the kegs! :D :D :D

Yikes... don' crack them kegs... for it is a blasphemy to spill beer! :o


Ev'ry beer is sacred, ev'ry beer is great
If a beer gets wasted, god gets quite irate...
:o :D

Lord Soth

Yorkshire chaps can puke better :p

Ye're in for a puking contest? :cool: :D

Beer, noodles, beer, noodles, beer, boodles.... and then some! :p

Nah, jus' kidding. Let's have some lohocla and watch them bands. Long time no see, ole buddy. This year I'm definitely gonna get a place in the forumcamp! ;)


W:O:A Metalhead
13 Mai 2006
Chester, UK
Who said he meant ye!?! EH EH EH??

oh and er some warsteiner for poor yorkie man like me....:confused: :p

I said he meant I sup some luvverly beer...:D

I think i'll get a few more kegs before Wacken, me yorkshire chum! ;) :D Are there any beer shops near Hamburg station?

"(belching and farting sounds)
It's alright, I'm a Yorkshireman. I can take it
I used to be able to lift five navvies on a shovel, you know
You know? Uhhh... you're not bloody listening to me, are you" :p

Lord Soth

the local super market of wacken becomes a beer shop.... :p

Yeah, it's aleways a helluva fun to watch those masses of metalheads standing in line to get in and get some food and lots of beer there! Methinks they make more cash in these days than during the whole of the year! :D

Drawbacks are the waiting times at the counter and the long way to get there from campground, but it's cheaper than on the festival area. ;)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Ok, smart ass! :p Do you know any shops in Hamburg, near train station, that sell lots of beer cheap?

My apologies for typos. I'm fairly drunk and having to concentrate fairly hard on whether words are spelled correctly...

WHICH train station in Hamburg? (and I only mean the 4 main stations, Harburg, Dammtor, Hbf and Altona)

AS far as I know, on both Hbf and Altona, there is no way to buy cheap beer.