RIP Dimebag

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W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Again, there is no irony in it, and it aint funny either. Connection between Lennons and Dimebags death ? Bullshit! Would you say that irony is when somebody dies in the day of its birth. No way. Only shit happens. Anyways, if you think about that, if he wouldnt been killed by crazy green-brain, who knows, maybe he could end up even worse, one never knows...


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
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mugabe schrieb:
I don't think it's funny, nor have I written anything to that effect. Another example: when people buy a gun to feel safe at their home, only to end up shooting another member of the family. Once again, this is no laughing matter either, but you can wallow in the irony of it. Calm down.

How can you say to calm down?You hit a nerve here.A part of many of us died last Wed.

Juliya on Uranium & Dave Mustane on the Ball both said that this is not part of OUR community.Juliya even said that this was not a fan,this was a fucking homicidal maniac.HE WAS NOT PART OF OUR "METALHEAD" COMMUNITY!Dave said last night that anger & hatred leads to murder.

Now onto club security,I go to the small clubs in my area to see shows.Jaxx in VA has a metal detector at the door.Thunderdome here in Baltimore does not.That's probably going to change.Alot of these shows are all ages.You honestly think that most parents are going to let their son or daughter out to a club like that?I don't.

Juliya on Fuse TV also said that somebody will blame metal music on this asshole's behavior.I can see that coming as well as many of my American friends on here & in real life.Just like thay blamed Manson on Columbine,Judas Priest on 2 kids killing themselves & OZZY be blamed on a kid's suicide.


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
LooseCannon schrieb:
I watched & videotaped both tributes on MTV2's Headbanger's Ball & Fuse TV's Uranium.Both did his memory justice.I wanna know who have "Americanized" VCR's.I'll try to make copies of the tributes to those interested.
good point man..
i thought the tribute was good. mustaine did an awesome job :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
priest were acquitted.
slayer were almost brought into court about their lyrics too....for fuck sakes theyre just god damn lyrics.
rap is worse!!

but you cant say dimebag was a gun nut..i'd say he was a loyal texan if anything.

and LC is right...its a big fuckin shock.
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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
anyway. what can you see with the future for vinnie paul? after seeing his bro slaughtered.
will he give up? carry on?


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
mugabe schrieb:
I don't think the Onion article is "funny". I think it reflects, quite effectively, the attitude of the NRA, whom I'm not expecting to see condemning the lack of regulations of firearms in relation to this deed anytime soon.

Ok, thanks for clearing that up. And yes, you're right - the NRA isn't even going to touch this. I'm sure a few Pantera fans will think twice about owning guns in the coming months, but only a few, and I don't expect a mass purge.

mugabe schrieb:
Guns kill people. Guys with switchblades very seldom go on rampages. I just guess we're disagreeing here.

Except that if murder was Nathan Gale's intent, he was bound to accomplish it with whatever weapon he chose, be it with gun, switchblade or butter knife. Once he was able to get on stage and within close quarters, it was all over, and poor Dime never saw it coming.

If proper security measures were in place to stop him at the club's door, we wouldn't even be talking about this.

mugabe schrieb:
If Lennon had been smothered to death by a lovesick fan, that would have been more similar.

Actually, he was:

mugabe schrieb:
Pantera made a career appealing to those of poor impulse control harboring aggressions, and this is what seems to have lead to Darrell's demise. Funny, no. Tragic, yes, and very ironic.

I think every death/black/thrash metal band has made their careers doing more or less the same. Though I thought the idea was that you were supposed to use the music as a release for your aggressions. Maybe that's just me.

Euronymous' murder was similarly ironic, don't you think?

mugabe schrieb:
Closer to my original meaning is the question whether this will

1) lead to a discussion on gun control
2) lead to a discussion on mandatory metal detectors at club entrances.

1) No chance. No more so than the deaths by gunfire of Lennon and Tupac before him.

2) YES, and I would fully support this. I have been to a few clubs that have metal detectors (including one that had one but never used it - Chris, you know Jaxx), and I believe that proper screening at the door would have prevented this tragedy (even if the killer had been carrying a switchblade instead of a gun).

Something as simple as a security guard patting people down as they enter the club would have probably stopped the killer. The club I saw Damageplan at (The 9:30 Club here in D.C.) two weeks before Dimebag's murder did exactly this.
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W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Warthog schrieb:
I hope he carries on, and I think he will. It will probably be at least a few years before we hear anything from him.

I mean Dimebag would want him to continue his music career. If he wouldnt be scared about his own life...

Anyways, it is stupid to blame music for anything. Metal music is about real life. Even black metal does...or doesnt have church full mouth of stuff about hell, satan etc.? They should be thankful. Satan helps them to keep people belive in god :D:D:D

I mean people are naturaly hypocrite, mean and agressive, and this was getting even worse since they found out money and weapons. With the new age, television and media people started to live some kind of illusion, they are raised to be selfish, arrogant and greedy. People started to spend more time alone at the home, isolated from the real world around them. How can those people have respect for life itself, for other (human) beings ?


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Juni 2004
Mpls. MN USA
In my opinion this is the greatest tragedy the metal community has ever seen.
It can easily be made into a political/gun control discussion or debate about security (I heard the fuck went in the back way.and if someone points a weapon at a door bouncer in anycase it won't keep them out anyway) so I hope it won't because it's not Only the loss of an awsome guitarist who has been making fine metal for the past 20+ years but also the death of the tour manager (another person dedicating a huge portion of his life to the music) and the murdered fans. Not to mention everyone who witnessed it. I was totally crushed when I found out about this and If it had been here I would have been at the show and it could just have easily have been me or one of my metal brothers or sisters.....I can't even imagine.

I actually talked to Joey Belladonna on Sat. about this(he is very cool)after a show. He said he had a very close friend who WAS there and in the front row. The show was dedicated to the victems and he was clearly grieving as were a lot of us.
Respect to all of the dead (and to the cop that killed the psycho)