RIP Dimebag

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W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
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The asshole who murdered Dimebag was named Nathan Gale.I saw his pic.HE LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING RETARD!HOW & WHO LET THIS DICKHEAD HAVE A GUN(I'm very anti-gun)?

I've been a fan of Pantera since 1990(Cowboys era) & I was starting to get into Darrell's new band "Damage Plan".

I woke up to this on CNN this morning & I've been crying all day.The local rock station here in town will have a "Pantera & Damage Plan Tribute" tonight.I'll be taping it.

Ironically,this happened 24 years to the day that John Lennon was killed.

This is a sad day in metal.

R.I.P. Dimebag.You'll be missed,brother.


W:O:A Metalhead
23 Nov. 2004
lol no I mean skinned, there skin being taken of them, then soaked in vineger :p, I just don't know how someone can raise such a person like that killer, i mean i know killing is wrong, but then again the guy was american and there all pretty crazy tbfh


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
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I did tape the tribute show that the local rock station did last night.They played a taped interview(from earlier this year) with Damage Plan(who were at the station to promote the CD),a talk with a DJ from a local rock station in Columbus who was at the show,& a shitload of songs from Pantera & Damage Plan.I can make copies to anyone interested.Please IM me if you are.


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
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Listened to a lot of Pantera in their middle phase - really very sad he had to go. Great music.

But while thinking about it, I really have to stress mugabes point. It is one of the most hilariously ironic deaths in rock history. The guitar player of Pantera getting shot by a psycho gun-crazy maniac is like Vikernes getting smashed by a churchbell, Dennis Hopper being driven over by a motorcycle, Axl Rose getting AIDS from a male prostitute or John Bonham driving his car against a tree after downing 40 glasses of vodka. Oh wait, that last one actually happened.

I know I shouldn't be making fun of this, but it is nearly impossible. Hit me hard in the slapping thread.


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
LooseCannon schrieb:
I did tape the tribute show that the local rock station did last night.They played a taped interview(from earlier this year) with Damage Plan(who were at the station to promote the CD),a talk with a DJ from a local rock station in Columbus who was at the show,& a shitload of songs from Pantera & Damage Plan.I can make copies to anyone interested.Please IM me if you are.
hope you got my PM
cheers man :)


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
Website besuchen
Tomorrow night on MTV2,they're going to have a special tribute Headbanger's Ball hosted by Dave Mustane.It'll pay tribute to "Dimebag".I'll be taping it.I also taped a metal show on Fuse(a rival music video channel) called "Uranium".They did their tribute.Juliya(the host of Uranium) said that some asshole will blame metal music for this fucktard's behavior.I tend to agree.