RIP Dimebag

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W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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monochrom schrieb:
Listened to a lot of Pantera in their middle phase - really very sad he had to go. Great music.

But while thinking about it, I really have to stress mugabes point. It is one of the most hilariously ironic deaths in rock history. The guitar player of Pantera getting shot by a psycho gun-crazy maniac is like Vikernes getting smashed by a churchbell, Dennis Hopper being driven over by a motorcycle, Axl Rose getting AIDS from a male prostitute or John Bonham driving his car against a tree after downing 40 glasses of vodka. Oh wait, that last one actually happened.

I know I shouldn't be making fun of this, but it is nearly impossible. Hit me hard in the slapping thread.

I dont see any irony in this. We have a motto in czech. Something like "You will end up by the thing you mess with". (it is hard to translate, cause it is very old and very true). It means when you like something too much, it is very possible that it will one day destroy you.

Well, you know, even that Kurt Cobain was a big gun-addict and killed himself with a gun doesnt sound like irony to me. Would you call irony (and this is a true story) that hunter was killed by deer he shot, and which fell on him from a high rock? I would say the czech motto works here very well.


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
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Hammered_gods schrieb:
I dont see any irony in this. We have a motto in czech. Something like "You will end up by the thing you mess with". (it is hard to translate, cause it is very old and very true). It means when you like something too much, it is very possible that it will one day destroy you.

Well, you know, even that Kurt Cobain was a big gun-addict and killed himself with a gun doesnt sound like irony to me. Would you call irony (and this is a true story) that hunter was killed by deer he shot, and which fell on him from a high rock? I would say the czech motto works here very well.

Yes, I would call the latter case very ironic. I would also probably laugh quite a bit if a moose-hunter would ever be shot by a moose.

Still, I understand what you mean. Live by the sword, die by the sword.


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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monochrom schrieb:
Yes, I would call the latter case very ironic. I would also probably laugh quite a bit if a moose-hunter would ever be shot by a moose.

Still, I understand what you mean. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

At least he didnt suffer too much, it is it true what they had written on the page.

Anyways isnt it ironic, that only death makes from a great guitarist the legend? If you look into the history, Euronymous, Dead, Kurt Cobain, Chuck, Elvis atc. could be called legends during their lives, but only thing that makes them true legend, was their sudden death. Cause people doesnt value things til they wont loose them.


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
MrHellRaiser schrieb:

and yes, i do find every death funny. it's not like I don't respect the man or something. i just think it is funny. if I die in a funny way, you can all laugh at me :)
nice theory....great way to face deawth though ;)


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Its strange, all of this, about Dimebag, or anybody else who suddenly died in last few years, it all seems like a dream to me. Maybe cause it is all so ironic. Maybe it is not suppose to be called irony, cause most of the things in life are "ironic". I forget about past maybe too fast, and all I remmember are feelings. Whole fucking past is like one stupid dream.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
mugabe schrieb:
How ironic. Dimebag Darrell, self-professed gun nut, gunned down by nutty gunman.

So if history follows the same course, you will die by a lethal dose of detached sarcasm?

I see the irony, but I don't think any of it is funny. To suggest that there's anything funny about it is to suggest that in some way Dimebag deserved the end he met.

To my knowledge, Dimebag never committed a crime with a gun or threatened another human being with one. Did he?

I don't own a gun, but I've had a lot of fun sharpshooting empty beerbottles off fenceposts with my redneck friends in West Virginia. Wow, it would've been hilariously ironic if one of us got killed by a gun, wouldn't it?


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Warthog schrieb:
I see the irony, but I don't think any of it is funny. To suggest that there's anything funny about it is to suggest that in some way Dimebag deserved the end he met.
I don't think it's funny, nor have I written anything to that effect. Another example: when people buy a gun to feel safe at their home, only to end up shooting another member of the family. Once again, this is no laughing matter either, but you can wallow in the irony of it. Calm down.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
mugabe schrieb:
I don't think it's funny, nor have I written anything to that effect.

Of course you did. You posted a link to an Onion article, and said the incident reminded you of that. Did you really mean that to be sober and serious commentary? How is that not trying to suggest that there's some crass humor about it all?

In fairness, yes, monochrom (and not you) was the one who used the words "hilariously ironic."

Really, this is the sort of behavior I'd expect from Zombi.

mugabe schrieb:
Another example: when people buy a gun to feel safe at their home, only to end up shooting another member of the family.

Maybe, if it was a disgruntled roadie or bandmate using one of Dimebag's own weapons to murder him. Dimebag was not murdered by someone he trusted and held dear. He was attacked by a lone nut who could've accomplished the same end with a switchblade.

The story is not in the gun - the point of the story is the murderer, the crazed fan who was apparently distraught over Pantera's breakup (or so it seems).

And the only sad coincidence here is not Dimebag's own stance on gun issues, but that his death happened 24 years to the day after something very similar happened to John Lennon.


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Warthog schrieb:
Of course you did. You posted a link to an Onion article, and said the incident reminded you of that. Did you really mean that to be sober and serious commentary? How is that not trying to suggest that there's some crass humor about it all?
I don't think the Onion article is "funny". I think it reflects, quite effectively, the attitude of the NRA, whom I'm not expecting to see condemning the lack of regulations of firearms in relation to this deed anytime soon.

Warthog schrieb:
In fairness, yes, monochrom (and not you) was the one who used the words "hilariously ironic."
I didn't attribute this to anything but maybe a poor choice of words.

Warthog schrieb:
...He was attacked by a lone nut who could've accomplished the same end with a switchblade.

The story is not in the gun - the point of the story is the murderer, the crazed fan who was apparently distraught over Pantera's breakup (or so it seems).
Guns kill people. Guys with switchblades very seldom go on rampages. I just guess we're disagreeing here.

Warthog schrieb:
And the only sad coincidence here is not Dimebag's own stance on gun issues, but that his death happened 24 years to the day after something very similar happened to John Lennon.
If Lennon had been smothered to death by a lovesick fan, that would have been more similar. Pantera made a career appealing to those of poor impulse control harboring aggressions, and this is what seems to have lead to Darrell's demise. Funny, no. Tragic, yes, and very ironic.

Things don't always travel very well over the net, and I'd like to apologise to anyone having taken offense, as it was never my intention to make fun of this sad event. Closer to my original meaning is the question whether this will

1) lead to a discussion on gun control
2) lead to a discussion on mandatory metal detectors at club entrances.