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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
Mood: Content

Weather: Rainy

Music: Likfärd -Fejd

Current favourite album: Crogacht - Suidakra

Latest website: Youtube

TV: None

Latest DVD: Family Guy Season 4

Current book: A random programming book I'm reading for work.

Latest food: Pizza

Latest drink: A mixed drink somebody randomly gave me. Don't know what it is but it's good.

Activity: Existing

Clothes: Jeans, Turisas t-shirt.

Thoughts: Wondering why the weekend goes by so fast

Greetings to: -

Question of the day: Why do bands that have nothing to do with each other get stuck touring together?

Word of the day: -

Conclusion of the day: Marshmallows should not be cooked in a microwave.


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Nov. 2007
Toronto, Canada
Mood: Happy

Weather: Grey but warm out

Music: Whiplash - Nailed to the Cross

Current favourite album: dunno

Latest website: here


Latest DVD: N/A


Latest food: cold zoodles a few hours ago before my exam.

Latest drink: nothing

Activity: Packing!

Clothes: camos, Judas Iscariot tshirt

Thoughts: Could it be that I just might have Bachelor's Degree:eek:

Greetings to: life after undergrad?:confused:

Question of the day: Could this be the end of the nightmare?:eek:

Word of the day: No-more-exams!

Conclusion of the day: I think it might all be over!:eek::cool::D DRINKING TIME!!!!:D


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Mood: relaxed (unbelieveable, isn't it? :eek:)

Weather: can't tell, my shutters are half closed. But I can hear the wind whistling through some leaves and it seems some sunny

Music: None actually, should change that. I guess it's going to be Peter Fox

Current favourite album: Stadtaffe

Latest website:
ebay. Looking for a wheelchair for my grandma

nothing and it's good like this

Latest DVD:
good question. Can't remember actually

Current book:
this other Dutch book I got from Ap. Can't remember the title, but it's cool. It think it was something like "way out of the past" or so

Latest food:
cornflakes. I figured I should try to eat something :rolleyes:

Latest drink: water water water water....

: translating Peter Fox and waiting for feeling well enough to go outside and enjoy being outside :p

one of the two only trousers that I can still wear after I lost weight and a way oversize pullover that my aunt gave me (love it :D)

How could I ever end up this stressed? Life's good

Greetings to: All the people I love and that support me. Most of all my brothers and family in general :)

Question of the day:
When the hell is Ap going to be online again and what is he doing all the time? :rolleyes:

Word of the day: change

Conclusion of the day: I hate vodka :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Mood: Hung over

Weather: Sunny it looks like

Music: Immortal

Current favourite album: vs The World

Latest website: Facebook

TV: off

Latest DVD: XxX

Current book: Stephen Donaldson, last of 6 in the white gold series

Latest food: Bullens Pilsnerkorv

Latest drink: Water

Activity: Soon to hit the shower and then pack my bags for the trip

Clothes: Tighty whiteys

Thoughts: Beer once more today? Damn!

Greetings to: The proud and strong

Question of the day: Oaked Aged Yeti FTW!

Word of the day: slow

Conclusion of the day: Why did I ever fall asleep on the couch?


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Apr. 2008
Mood: annoyed..just damn annoyed..

Weather: still sunny but more cold than warm.

Music: kampfar - vettekult

Current favourite album: kampfar - heimgang

Latest website: myspace

TV: off

Latest DVD: "enchanted"

Current book: -

Latest food: cake :o

Latest drink: water

Activity: thinking, eating

Clothes: wacken boxershorts, bathory girlie

Thoughts: yeah.. well.. fuck you! :rolleyes:

Greetings to: my dog..

Question of the day: what the hell am i doing here?

Word of the day: fuck

Conclusion of the day: tonight i have to stay at home and get drunk! :o:D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Mood: Ça va. Nothing special

Weather: Sunny/cloudy/sunny/rain.
Het kan vriezen, het kan dooien, to use an old Dutch expression again.

Music: None

Current favourite album: None

Latest website:

TV: nothing as usual

Latest DVD: Too long ago!

Current book: De Cock en moord in de Hondsdagen. (I don't read ANYTHING else.

Latest food: Soupe, and sandwich

Latest drink: bier or beer

: moderating, doing nothing.

Clothes: I don't go out naked no. (Wacken 2005, blue jeans)

Thoughts: Too much money on clothing again, but I needed it.

Greetings to: dunno

Question of the day:
Why this long?

Word of the day: ♪Hasselt!♪ (I know, Limburgers zingen)

Conclusion of the day: I need a beer, and I'm going to get one now.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
Website besuchen
Mood:kinda confused

weather:breezy,cloudy, & cool


current fave album/CD:Exodus-Tempo Of The Damned

TV:had the news on,now nothing

Latest DVD:WOA 2007 (last night)

Current book:nothing right now.Got done reading my stack of comic books I bought last Thurs.

latest food:toast with peanut butter

latest drink:chocolate milk

Activity:dunno yet

clothes:Iced Earth t-shirt & a pair of black shorts

Thoughts:How do I get involved in such drama?

Greetings to:everybody

Question Of the Day:I wonder how the traffic is?

Word Of The Day:Drama

Conclusion Of The Day:Having fun at the Kreator/Exodus show.


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Mood: Confused, longing

Weather: Pretty great actually. Kinda sunny but not too hot

Music: none

Current favourite album: Peter Fox - Stadtaffe

Latest website:

TV: Usual ProSieben wednesday program

Latest DVD: dunno

Current book: Dieter Nuhr

Latest food: Laugenstange. Going to have porree for dinner soon

Latest drink: lemon flavoured water

: moving around my back to make the pain go away / IM

Clothes: dirty black trousers, dirty Heidevolk shirt, blue jacket

Thoughts: Why can't life turn like that dream? I was so happy...

Greetings to: My pastime. I hope you're having a good life

Question of the day:
How could I possibly make him talk to me again? Does he ever think of me? How is he?

Word of the day: Longing, dreaming

Conclusion of the day: Don't know what kind of conclusion to make out of this. It's too confusing and too "open"


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Mood: bored and sick

Weather: sunny and pretty warm

Music: nichts

Current favourite album: Turisas - The Varangian Way [just bought it the other day]

Latest website: this forum, another forum

TV: nichts

Latest DVD: nichts

Current book: nichts

Latest food: macaroni

Latest drink: fruit drink

Activity: this, playing with my little sister

Clothes: sweatpants, tank, bigger shirt over it

Thoughts: just a few more days and I'm finally free...

Greetings to: anyone who wants it

Question of the day: is there any way I can help, or is it better off like this?

Word of the day: no school [okay, two words :rolleyes:]

Conclusion of the day: decent sleeps are always nice


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Apr. 2008
Mood: annoyed!

Weather: was pretty warm today.. great day.

Music: poisonblack-rush

Current favourite album: anything of poisonblack and sentenced

Latest website: yahoo

TV: off

Latest DVD: batman begins

Current book: -

Latest food: cookies

Latest drink: water

Activity: thinking :o

Clothes: black top, and my schlafanzughose :o:D

Thoughts: bla bla bla blaaaaaaaa.. :rolleyes:

Greetings to: my dog, always my dog

Question of the day: whyyyy?

Word of the day: depressing

Conclusion of the day: i hate humans :o


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Mood:[/B] Happy

Weather: Sunny (it was), now getting dark, warm.

Music: Not yet. Think about Dikvoormekaar, but who knows.

Current favourite album: None.

Latest website: facebook

TV: I don't watch TV. Last I saw, Huis clos (Belgian/European election period)

Latest DVD: R+ like ages ago

Current book: None

Latest food: Soupe with a sandwich

Latest drink: Coca cola/beer(s)

Activity: Forum

Clothes: Blue jeans, Wacken 2005-shirt, Cap of Region Brussels (just the logo)

Thoughts: None...

Greetings to: She/He who wants them

Question of the day: I don't know. Anyone else?

Word of the day: Waiting

Conclusion of the day: Sarina is one month old, but that means she'll turn 3 months on a beautiful day! ;):)
België Belgique Belgien


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Mood: A bit lazy but actually really good

Weather: A bit cold wind and a bit too less sun but kinda warm

Music: Deltaradio

Current favourite album: Peter Fox Stadtaffe

Latest website: deltaradio streaming

TV: nothing

Latest DVD: kA

Current book: Dieter Nuhr

Latest food: Huge breakfast buffet with my parents

Latest drink: Orangejuice

Activity[/B]: Getting mentally prepared of stuff I have to do

Clothes: brown trouser (wanna wash my black ones) black t-shirt, blue blouse

Thoughts: Where should I start?

Greetings to: My parents

Question of the day:
What did I get that headache from?

Word of the day: Chilled

Conclusion of the day: My parents need me to pick them up later on. Things change someday :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Apr. 2008
Mood: still annoyed..

Weather: warm..without sun..cloudy³

Music: sentenced

Current favourite album: anything of sentenced and poisonblack

Latest website:

TV: nothing

Latest DVD: the dark knight!

Current book: -

Latest food: nothing

Latest drink: nothing

Activity: nothing..just sitting here and yeah..nothing..

Clothes: black tank top, shorts

Thoughts: i hate it.

Greetings to: my dog

Question of the day: when will the big change come?

Word of the day: cookies

Conclusion of the day: it sucks.