W:O:A Metalmaster
Hi, I hope you'll have a splendid first Wacken experience! The German part of the forum is planning to meet at the beergarden at Thursday, abt. 1PM CET. You're heavily invited to join in, of course. Will be a bunch of people sticking their heads together, some with some sort of sign carrying their forum nickname or Avatar or whatever. 
Range of food is incredible and has continued to grow over the years. You get virtually everything. Prices vary between 3 to 5 € per meal, that is a Hamburger, a portion of French fries, noodles, a lot of bakery, even vegetarian meals, Burritos, all sort of stuff.
Lots of portable Dixi cabins, cleaned regularly. In the infield there are free flush toilets, shower camps have flush toilets as well. I think they charge 50 cent or a Euro or so.
There are several "stores" on the Metal market, which consist of nothing more than some guys and lots of power plugs.
You can deposit your mobile there (you have to bring along the power supply), and they charge it full for the fee of 2 or 3 Euros. Also, there is the Electric hotel, which more or less does the same. There are some funny machines, with which you can produce the power on your own. 
I don't think they take phones at night. But one charge is always to 100% battery.
Don't forget to bring a compatible power supply / adapter of some kind. We have 230V/60Hz over here!
The atmosphere is great. Not only is there a complete absence of violence of any kind, also the people you meet are having a good time with each other. I never saw anyone get unfriendly, at least when they're not arguing over a place in the first row of one of the gigs.
Really really great. I promise!

I expect there to be an obscene amount of food kiosks and the like so I won't have to bring any food, although I was told the pricing isn't as bad at wacken as the UK festivals are. Is there a great range of food as I'm a picky git at times?
Range of food is incredible and has continued to grow over the years. You get virtually everything. Prices vary between 3 to 5 € per meal, that is a Hamburger, a portion of French fries, noodles, a lot of bakery, even vegetarian meals, Burritos, all sort of stuff.
Toilet situations? At Sonisphere&Download in the UK it's pretty much just mass amount of portable toilets that get cleaned daily, with some form of posh clean version that you can pay for. Is it the same at wacken? Or do they use some giant septic tank with seats on the top which will make me gip while pooping.
Lots of portable Dixi cabins, cleaned regularly. In the infield there are free flush toilets, shower camps have flush toilets as well. I think they charge 50 cent or a Euro or so.
Phone charging, I've found the 2 euro thing but am curious to people who have used this. I normally take a cheap £10 phone to festivals and leave my smartphone at home, but I could do with remaining connected to my online hectic life while at wacken. So I decided to take the S3 along with me, but the battery life if used regular throughout the day will wear it down daily. Can I just pay 2 euro and drop it off at night to pick it up in the morning or is the 2 euro just for a quick 1 hour 12v charge that's going to die after half an hour?
There are several "stores" on the Metal market, which consist of nothing more than some guys and lots of power plugs.

I don't think they take phones at night. But one charge is always to 100% battery.
Don't forget to bring a compatible power supply / adapter of some kind. We have 230V/60Hz over here!

Atmosphere query. I'm a fairly calm and quite person, well until I get comfy/drunk I guess. The thing I've loved about Sonisphere&Download in the UK is the amazing community that it has. When you compare it to the shit holes like Leeds Festival you don't get all the violence and stupidity. I mean you get some no matter what happens but I just mean does Wacken tend to have the general "one for all and all for one" attitude that the UK rock/metal festivals have going on.
The atmosphere is great. Not only is there a complete absence of violence of any kind, also the people you meet are having a good time with each other. I never saw anyone get unfriendly, at least when they're not arguing over a place in the first row of one of the gigs.

Really really great. I promise!

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