Party.San 2016

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W:O:A Metalmaster
17 Dez. 2010
Absage Gates of Ishtar
We are very sorry to inform you that Gates of Ishtar have to cancel their show at the Party.San Metal Open Air 2016 for understandable reasons.
We are working on a replacement.
Read the statement below:

"Due to the passing of Oscar we have decided to cancel the gig at PARTY.SAN OPEN AIR SCHLOTHEIM in August.

This was intended as a 20-year celebration with the same line-up as on the recording of A bloodred path, and for obvious reasons we cannot do it.
Part of what made that recording so special for us was the chemistry in the band and Oscar had a big hand in that. It just doesn't feel right to go through with it.

We apologise for the inconvenience this causes those of you who were planning to see us there, but still hope for your understanding.

Sincerely, Mikael, Tomas, Andreas and Niclas"

War ja (verständlicherweise) mit zu rechnen.


W:O:A Metalgod
18 Sep. 2008
Da ich die nochmal beim Chronical Moshers :)p) sehe, freue ich mich mehr über Lik, Bombs Of Hades und Graveyard.
Und ich dachte, Mörk Gryning gäbe es gar nicht mehr. :confused:
das chronical hat dies jahr ein mega affengeiles billing. ich könnt heulen, daß ich nicht hin kann. scheiß system umstellung.