I can't think of many nice English beers (lagers) but we have some good bitters! I do love the local beers in Germany I make a point of trying them in each region i've visited! Last year at Wacken my favourite was a Bavarian Beer served in the beer garden from black and gold stalls, if anyone knows what that was please do tell!
OK so Jordan is a disapointed paying customer, fair enough, BUT, I think Jordan you need to accept that your going to another country, and its that countries festival its made by them for them, not for anyone else, I dont see why your so intent on it must be this or that ok the line ups for the last few years when I have gone have been heavier, and thats been great cos I love black metal, but look at the line ups from the 90's when local people got this festival the support it needed to grow into the monster it is today this is their anniverssary not for people who've been once or twice or never!
Lastly mate Germans are very laid back an forgiving so you may get away with your attitude..... shame you dont come to the UK an start acting like you are here.... we're much less forgiving!!!
Lastly... DAMN!!!!! Hail & Grill you pulled out an emerald sword..... I think my weapon of choice muct be "Holy Thunderforce!"

I love that band! its so cheesey its almost wrong but I love them lol!
@Astra, where do you have to come from? Also I thought there is only is it 47 bands anounced? aren't there gonna be around 90 bands?! there's plenty left to be announced you may like!