oh, sorry for being so rude, really.
blame my parents for raising me such an evil way.
as for my signature, it's really serious, as a signature has to be. I really mean every word...
yeah right, nothing to add. I am glad you're pleased with it.
Actaully i never read your sig before the guy is right thats pretty rude! and if it is German metal for German people then fair enough why not... the festival is in Germany man!!!! And think what that means... you get the best beer in the world (german beer) and some really friendly german people who like to drink said beer and rock out with everyone thats why wacken is so great usually.
Also has anyone ever thought that the meesage that guy posted about no other headliners wasn't accurate?! I mean doro wasn't mentioned there I thought Doro with warlock was a headliner announcement a couple of weeks ago!?!
Black stage is just black stage not black metal as someone already pointed out.
If its your first time coming then you wont have experienced the atsmosphere of wacken before, I've only been a couple of times but like many people I know what i'm getting when I go there I book my tickets now before bands are announced as i did last year and the year before, because you know no matter who plays you have the W:O:A atsmosphere and a great time, the bands aren't bad an its a best of wacken.... wackens been around for 20years so some of the best of's will be 20 years old!!!
I admit I think the line up could be better i'd love a more exetreme band in there a big named one but end of the day what we'd like and what we get will be different and it will never please anyone.
Exetreme bands in the line up already though....
Amon Amarth (ok not that exetreme but still they count!)
Sarka (though i dont like them)
Napalm death
NerveCell (self confirmed)
thats 9 bands out of the roughly 90 that will play so 10% of the festival is exetreme metal..... not bad when you compare it to many more MAJOR rock fests around the world!
There's 40something bands aounced so far an i've made a list of 24 i wanna see, you go through the billing bands an see how many you find you want to see, I think you'l be suprised! Then factor in all the beer your gonna drink there an all the random other stuff you WILL wind up doing and you'l that really its still good even if there's other things we want from it