Ok, this is officially the worst line-up ever

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W:O:A Metalhead
6 Aug. 2008
Wow SAXON confirmed, what an amazing surprise! No one expected that. And the line-up is still not worth 130€.


W:O:A Metalhead
25 März 2009
I would take only 3 or 4 of those and be happy for the whole festival...

but instead, we got Saxon...

sorry to say this, but what's wrong with german people ? I mean noone listens to Saxon anymore... let sleeping dogs lie.

no offense for the fans, anyway, it's just a way to express my disappointment (even if, sadly, this is not a surprise)


27 März 2009

Saxon are almost expected to play every Wacken....Wacken org love 'em.
They seem to have a loyal fanbase in Germany....not my taste in metal but that's fine....
My point is that when the line-up to date is feeble....there's a lot of fans disappointed with the big 20th anniversary hype......Saxon is adding no value.
Saxon are like balloons at a party....everyone expects them to be there...but no-one cares if they're not.
I will be there again this year whatever the line-up and i know i'll have a great time...ultimately though it's the music that i go for and if it's not good enough i'll move on to another festival.......if i'm not alone in thinking that, then Wacken has a problem.

Hail & Grill

W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Aug. 2008
Metallien/Provinz Power
We like old school. :o :D
Know your roots, man. Bands who where pioneers or veterans of Rock/Metal are way more cooler than new bands. I mean - some of them could be our fathers(or grandfathers:rolleyes:). They followed the path and have proven themselfes - therefore they deserve to be hailed. Respect the elderly! :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
27 Jan. 2008
I mean noone listens to Saxon anymore... let sleeping dogs lie.

Would you kindly remain in silence? Thank you. :)
Some people... :rolleyes:

It's not meant to be an offense against you or your taste in music, but Saxon - in my opinion - IS a good and well known metal band. Ok, they seem to play Wacken every year. :D But that doesn't belittle her quality, does it? ;)


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Mai 2006
Ramat Gan, Israel
Saxon... Really? Saxon?
OMFG, enooooouuuuugh of the old farts on stage! Fuck, it's like I'm going to "old-rockers-fest" and not a metal fest. How hard is that to bring 2-3 good death metal bands?
14 Sep. 2007
Thanks for Saxon

After following all the treads in this post I feel I have to say thanks to the WOA Team for Saxon. If it were not for such bands there would be no metal and WOA has brought us some great pioneers this year incl Heaven and Hell, Motorhead, UFO and Saxon so thumbs up. The lineup is shaping up quite well apart for the couple of crappy bands we all know. Considering that usually there are about 70 bands playing we should have some 35 to go and I hope the death/black/doom genres will be given due consideration as that's what the WOA fans really want.

Wishlist: My Dying Bride, Candlemass, Pestilence, Carcass, Atheist, Immortal, Dimmu Borgir, Moonspell, Blind Guardian, Manowar.

PS. BIG THANKS for Cathedral and Einherjer as no one is mentioning them.


25 Feb. 2009
What's the point that so much people only want death metal bands to be confirmed?? It's Wacken, it is (and always has been) a HEAVY metal festival with SOME death/black metal bands completing the billing and hopefully it will stay like that. Don't get me wrong, I also love death metal and seeing some bands like hypocrisy, corpse, god dethroned (wonder why nobody mentioned them before), kataklysm etc. would be great, but the majority of the bands I wanna see is HEAVY metal in wacken. If you want a death/black festival, go to party.san or various others in Germany - there's almost an inflation of good festivals with that focus! In Wacken I want my voice to fuck off because of singing too much catchy singalong choruses with my bands!

And Saxon is great, thanks for the confirmation!! Don't care if they play almost every year, because the show is GREAT every year...


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Aug. 2007
I've only been to Wacken twice yet and I never listened to Saxon. But still I know one thing: They were the first major band to play Wacken ever. No one cares how famous they are know, they are a part of Wacken and deserve to be on the 20th Billing like no other band. period.

Each festival should have its special bands. Would be boring if they all hired the same bands for the same reasons.


W:O:A Metalhead
25 März 2009
As I said : no offense, it's just that I really don't get the point with that band, many other can claim to have influence the whole metal genre...

Anyway I'm just getting upset because I have a ticket and bus trip to WOA. I bought that because I thought WOA would really be huge this year (20th anniversary "hype", remember they are the one who insisted on it). Or at least as huge as the previous years.

But for now... I don't see that. Ok Saxon are good old men playing good old heavy metal, etc... I will watch their show with curiosity, but I really expected something more...

Too bad, I got pwned because I thought WOA was a great fest, if not the greatest. I will go to Wacken, I will see, and next year... Well I'll probably stick to some more interesting and cheaper fest.

And I still hope to get interesting stuff in the 30 bands missing...

PS : oh, you can copy/paste my previous post and replace "Saxon" with "Manowar" ;)

Hail & Grill

W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Aug. 2008
Metallien/Provinz Power
Maybe, its a good thing that the orga dont bill so popular band. Think of it - it could also bis off that stupid chaos-tourists because they dont have an mega-super fucking line-up to brag with.

I hope Wacken gets smaller. And I also think that you will get bands that match your taste. There are still eough slots free.

PS: I would like to watch ManOwaR. I think it would be quiet entertaining.:D


2 Jan. 2003
I have been to Wacken since 2002 and will be skipping Wacken for the first time. There are several reasons : there are always a lot of same bands on the bill, which are recycled every or second year for example In Flames, Amon Amarth, Lacuna Coil, Motorhead, Napalm Death, In Extremo etc. Why these same bands always have to be there. I wouldn't be surprised if crapass combo JBO, mambo kurt are there as well. What is the whole point of booking same bands all the time ?! I don't get it at all. Wacken is supposed to have a possibility to book other bands especially rare seen and of course new and old ones. For example where are Gama Bomb, Onslaught, Saint Vitus, Evile, Behemoth, Bonded By Blood, Icarus Witch, Portrait, Agent Steel, Hate, Devils Blood, Down, Suicidal Tendencies, Bullet, etc.. All right some of them have been to Wacken, but maybe ten years ago or something. In general the same bands year after the year.
Secondly 80.000 - 70.000 people in the small festival area is kind of absurd.

Cos the whole event is sold out, of course it is easy for the Wacken organization to book whatever they want to.


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Mai 2006
Ramat Gan, Israel
It's Wacken, it is (and always has been) a HEAVY metal festival with SOME death/black metal bands completing the billing and hopefully it will stay like that.
Ekhmmm, so far from the truth. Just check out billing for the last 5-7 years. Ok, heavy/hard rock always have considerate percentage of the line-up, but only enough to fill up the True Metal stage. That's why you have True and Black stages. Black goes for extreme metal as trash, black and death.


W:O:A Metalhead
6 März 2009
LoL, I first read "flak". Well I´m thinking about bringing my beer-flag with me this time. It simply says everything about me.:D
But I´m not sure, because of the increasing violence.:(

Its not that flag I seen one year that says "the only thing we fear is running out of beer!" is it? I seen that flag an thought "yes this is me!"

took a big english flag last year but wound up wearing it round me neck carryin it about to wave while maiden played the trooper! I think some people there didn't like the english though :s

What you mean about the violence?