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13 Apr. 2002
Website besuchen
I'm nagging CoF because I have to put up with kids everyday with CoF t-shirts thinking that they are into metal. The bands these kids like are always Slipknot, Korn, Linkin Park, System Of A Down, Limp Bizkit and CoF.

If these bands are "Metal" what the hell do I listen to?


W:O:A Metalhead
Originally posted by JonB666
I'm nagging CoF because I have to put up with kids everyday with CoF t-shirts thinking that they are into metal. The bands these kids like are always Slipknot, Korn, Linkin Park, System Of A Down, Limp Bizkit and CoF.

If these bands are "Metal" what the hell do I listen to?

i know what you mean lol as i see people wearing Burzum t-shirts who think they are the ultimate in black metal evilness hahaha

but why does it bother you what these kids are into ? let them listen to that if thats what they like ...if they want to think its "metal" then let them as long as we know better ;)

and for f**ks sake all of them bands u mentioned are better than 99% of the chart crap most kids listen to *with exception of Limp Bizkit & Korn* they are crap ...but still better than pop music ...just
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Dez. 2002
norden/ ostfriesland
Originally posted by JonB666
I'm nagging CoF because I have to put up with kids everyday with CoF t-shirts thinking that they are into metal. The bands these kids like are always Slipknot, Korn, Linkin Park, System Of A Down, Limp Bizkit and CoF.

If these bands are "Metal" what the hell do I listen to?
kids who are listening to bands like korn linkin park, system of a down and so on and thinking that stuff is metal are stupid. in my opinion NU-metal should be called NOT-metal. those bands play just rock-music, thats all. but they never knew how to play metal and they wont never know how to play. but if those kiddies think tey are into metal, show them what metal is, with its lifestyle, history, and so on. you know what i mean? but if its not in their blood they will never understand...


13 Apr. 2002
Website besuchen
I try to educate aswell, today I went shopping and I was looking at the metal section and this kid was standing there with his Slipknot hoodie and his giant pants saying he wanted something "heavy and fast" to his mates. He had the cheek to look at Killswitch Engage and some other "Road Runner Records" shite. I informed him of the error of his ways and told him to buy the copy of "Pleasure To Kill" a few feet away from where he was looking. This poor poser was oblivious to the sheer metal that was so near to him. He could have went home a loser but now he will experience some true metal.

The reason it gets to me so much is that I get labeled with these people as soon as I say I like Metal.

Saying you like metal and listening to Korn is just wrong.

The best analogy I can come up with is this:

" Drinking Heineken and saying you like beer"


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
System of a Down is a fucking talented band!!!!!!

I hate that distinction between "true metal" and "untrue metal". Who the hell decides what true metal is?

I prefer being an untrue-metaller rather than belonging to a group of intolerant people who think that people who don't listen to their "true metal" are stupid.


28 Dez. 2002
Cardiff, Wales, UK
I quite like CoF myself, while they are arguably not black metal, they are certainly metal, as has been previously mentioned, and are therefore not out of place in a Wacken bill.

As for Manowar, the less said about them the better :)


W:O:A Metalhead
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
System of a Down is a fucking talented band!!!!!!

I hate that distinction between "true metal" and "untrue metal". Who the hell decides what true metal is?

I prefer being an untrue-metaller rather than belonging to a group of intolerant people who think that people who don't listen to their "true metal" are stupid.

thats fucking right ....well said Sodomy :D
and yeah i too quite like system of a down ......but no i wouldnt want to see them at Wacken


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
And also i wear burzum shirts and graveland shirts and lots of other shit also but i dont consider myself to be the true fucking evil black metal god...

At the end of the day im a normal guy who loves metal..


btw I dont like the new manowar myself but the old stuff roolz :D


13 Apr. 2002
Website besuchen
Damn, System Of A Down lol

My definition of True-Metal and none-true metal is simple.

If you see it on MTV, It ain't true metal.

But my opinion never usually counts for anything anyway.

Damn, System Of A Down, Fucking gay


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
When I first got MTV in -91 you could basically not have the channel on without getting some sort of hard rock or heavy metal.
Always guns n' roses, metallica, mötley crüe, skid row, alice cooper and stuff like that.

Then you had Headbangers Ball, I belive it was once per week, where you had the heavier stuff.

Nowadays it's a bit different...