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13 Okt. 2007
Boston Area, Massachusetts
I wonder if Quark wears t-shirts saying "I can speak THREE languages!!!!"

or: "In Belgium we have THREE languages!!"

But I'm hoping he/she's a nice person, and won't get offended and insult me in THREE languages!!!!!! :eek:
I'd be proud of the fact I could speak 3 languages if I could. In the U.S. kids aren't introduced to a new language until about mid way through 10th or 11th grade, if at all. I'm planning on trying to pick up Swedish on my own for fun, but I'm not too sure where to even begin. If anyone has any tips to make learning a new language easier, it would be appreciated. :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I'd be proud of the fact I could speak 3 languages if I could. In the U.S. kids aren't introduced to a new language until about mid way through 10th or 11th grade, if at all. I'm planning on trying to pick up Swedish on my own for fun, but I'm not too sure where to even begin. If anyone has any tips to make learning a new language easier, it would be appreciated. :D

The strange this may sound, but at the beginning.
If I take Dutch as an example, there are 3 sexes (for a word). So, you need to see when a word is "male", "female" or "neutral". See if this applies to Swedisch as well. (In German it does)
Then... the first verb. to be. In almost every language, this verb is irregular.
And you continue, little by little.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Maar AP, ik bedenk mij net wat. Daar zal ik 't nog tzt even over (moeten) hebben. Heeft met onze nationale feestdag te doen (de datum), maar niet met het feest zelf.

Komplizéiert, ik weet 't.

(une surprise)