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W:O:A Metalgod
18 Sep. 2008
Die Veröffentlichung von HARAKIRI FOR THE SKYs neuem Album "Mӕre" rückt immer näher, und wie das trostlose Jahr langsam zu einem zähen Ende kommt, gibt es von den österreichischen Post Black Pionieren ein weiteres Lebenszeichen. Mit 'And Oceans Between Us' präsentieren sie die eingängige dritte Single ihres kommenden Studioalbums, das am 29. Januar 2021 erscheint und auf vollen 84 Minuten den melancholischen Geist aus Black Metal, zermarternden Depressionen und Post Rock einfängt.

Sänger J.J. kommentiert: "Manchmal triffst du im Leben eine Person, von der du glaubst, sie sei dein Seelenverwandter, jemand, der wirklich den Schmerz heilen kann, den andere Menschen und Beziehungen dir zuvor zugefügt haben. Und du denkst dir 'Diese Person kann mich aus dieser kalten, einsamen Welt retten', doch am Ende realisierst du nur wieder, dass auch sie dich ruiniert und ihre Worte zu Gift für dich wurden."

"Mӕre" ist bereits im Vorverkauf erhältlich und erscheint am 29. Januar (USA: 19. Februar) als Doppel-CD-Mediabook, Doppel-LP im Gatefold, und limitierten Boxsets (je Vinyl oder CD):

Die ersten Editionen bei AOP Records, EMP & Napalm, sind bereits ausverkauft, doch eine neue weiß-rote bicoloured Vinyl ist noch hier erhältlich, also seid schnell und klickt hier...


Harakiri For The Sky - And Oceans Between Us (Official Track 2020) - YouTube
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Reaktionen: Doc Rock und Hex


W:O:A Metalmaster
19 Aug. 2008
Morgoth haben ihre Auflösung bekanntgegeben. :(

MORGOTH – The end complete!
It’s already been 2,5 years since our last updates and the announcement of an indefinite hiatus in regards to any band activities. Time surely flies!
In the meantime and after much deliberation, we can now announce that we have indeed reached the end of the road for MORGOTH.
It’s been an interesting and challenging ride since the band’s initial reunion and we will forever cherish all of the incredible experiences and great memories from these years. We thank ALL OF YOU for that!
Please keep enjoying and supporting the music that will forever remain out there for all of us. Best of wishes for a hopefully good/better new year 2021…Stay safe and stay heavy!!!
(1987 – 2020)


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Mai 2020
Morgoth haben ihre Auflösung bekanntgegeben. :(

MORGOTH – The end complete!
It’s already been 2,5 years since our last updates and the announcement of an indefinite hiatus in regards to any band activities. Time surely flies!
In the meantime and after much deliberation, we can now announce that we have indeed reached the end of the road for MORGOTH.
It’s been an interesting and challenging ride since the band’s initial reunion and we will forever cherish all of the incredible experiences and great memories from these years. We thank ALL OF YOU for that!
Please keep enjoying and supporting the music that will forever remain out there for all of us. Best of wishes for a hopefully good/better new year 2021…Stay safe and stay heavy!!!
(1987 – 2020)

Eben auch gelesen. Schade! Aber dafür bleiben mir wirklich "viele" tolle Auftritte während der Reunionzeit in Erinnerung! :cool::heart: Ein Meilenstein für den Deutschen Death Metal!


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2007
BAD WOLVES Officially Part Ways with Tommy Vext

Last night, Tommy Vext reportedly did an Instagram live video where he announced he was leaving Bad Wolves. Today, the band made it official.

"It is true that Bad Wolves and vocalist Tommy Vext have parted ways. The four of us plan to continue making music and a new album is planned for later this year." The band statement read.

"Tommy has been a big part of Bad Wolves and we are grateful for his contributions.

"There is not much else to report at the moment but to send love and gratitude to the fans who have supported BAD WOLVES from day one. We would not be here with out you.


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Mai 2020
BAD WOLVES Officially Part Ways with Tommy Vext

Last night, Tommy Vext reportedly did an Instagram live video where he announced he was leaving Bad Wolves. Today, the band made it official.

"It is true that Bad Wolves and vocalist Tommy Vext have parted ways. The four of us plan to continue making music and a new album is planned for later this year." The band statement read.

"Tommy has been a big part of Bad Wolves and we are grateful for his contributions.

"There is not much else to report at the moment but to send love and gratitude to the fans who have supported BAD WOLVES from day one. We would not be here with out you.

Wer zum Fick sind denn Bad Wolves:confused:


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 März 2017
BAD WOLVES Officially Part Ways with Tommy Vext

Last night, Tommy Vext reportedly did an Instagram live video where he announced he was leaving Bad Wolves. Today, the band made it official.

"It is true that Bad Wolves and vocalist Tommy Vext have parted ways. The four of us plan to continue making music and a new album is planned for later this year." The band statement read.

"Tommy has been a big part of Bad Wolves and we are grateful for his contributions.

"There is not much else to report at the moment but to send love and gratitude to the fans who have supported BAD WOLVES from day one. We would not be here with out you.
Auch eben gelesen. Krass!
Das wird denen das Genick brechen. Den kann wohl keiner ersetzten. Ja gut, vielleicht Ivan Moody. :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2007
Auch eben gelesen. Krass!
Das wird denen das Genick brechen. Den kann wohl keiner ersetzten. Ja gut, vielleicht Ivan Moody. :D

Ja das stimmt. Denke auch dass das nichts mehr wird ohne ihn. Er ist schon ein mwga Sänger. Echt schade. Finde beide Alben sehr gut von denen.


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2007
Statement von Stu Block (iced earth)

We want to thank those of you who have sent words of support in recent days. Some of you have been concerned by our silence, which we understand. We needed some time to properly process the information and find out some facts before we made a statement.

First and foremost we absolutely DO NOT condone nor do we support riots or the acts of violence that the rioters were involved in on January 6th at the US Capitol building. We hope that all those involved that day are brought to justice to be investigated and answer for their actions.

With broken hearts we are sending our love and compassion to everyone who has felt pain from the events on January 6th. We are deeply saddened and our hearts go out to the families of the lives lost that day. There are really no proper words to console. Just know we are with you in your shock, grief and pain. Much love to you all. ❤️
Stu, Luke, Jake, Brent
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Reaktionen: The_Demon


nur zum Pöbeln hier
9 Okt. 2012
Statement von Stu Block (iced earth)

We want to thank those of you who have sent words of support in recent days. Some of you have been concerned by our silence, which we understand. We needed some time to properly process the information and find out some facts before we made a statement.

First and foremost we absolutely DO NOT condone nor do we support riots or the acts of violence that the rioters were involved in on January 6th at the US Capitol building. We hope that all those involved that day are brought to justice to be investigated and answer for their actions.

With broken hearts we are sending our love and compassion to everyone who has felt pain from the events on January 6th. We are deeply saddened and our hearts go out to the families of the lives lost that day. There are really no proper words to console. Just know we are with you in your shock, grief and pain. Much love to you all. ❤️
Stu, Luke, Jake, Brent
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Reaktionen: MachineFuckingHead

Doc Rock

Master of the Wind einer Dirne
27 Jan. 2011
Statement von Stu Block (iced earth)

We want to thank those of you who have sent words of support in recent days. Some of you have been concerned by our silence, which we understand. We needed some time to properly process the information and find out some facts before we made a statement.

First and foremost we absolutely DO NOT condone nor do we support riots or the acts of violence that the rioters were involved in on January 6th at the US Capitol building. We hope that all those involved that day are brought to justice to be investigated and answer for their actions.

With broken hearts we are sending our love and compassion to everyone who has felt pain from the events on January 6th. We are deeply saddened and our hearts go out to the families of the lives lost that day. There are really no proper words to console. Just know we are with you in your shock, grief and pain. Much love to you all. ❤️
Stu, Luke, Jake, Brent

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