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W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Apr. 2010
Das wird aber auch mal Zeit.
Die Touren erst und bringen dann das neue Album raus. Auch mal was neues. :D

Macht nur Hoffnung, dass sie danach nochmal touren. :)

Haben die nicht letztes Jahr auch ne Festivaltour gespielt?

Sie waren zumindest mal wieder unterwegs. Peter hat aber auch auf der Co-Head Tour mit Soilwork letzten September bereits gesagt das sie an neuem Material arbeiten, nur der Zeitpunkt wann daraus ein Album würde stünde noch nicht fest. :)


24 Juni 2003
Macht nur Hoffnung, dass sie danach nochmal touren. :)

Sie waren zumindest mal wieder unterwegs. Peter hat aber auch auf der Co-Head Tour mit Soilwork letzten September bereits gesagt das sie an neuem Material arbeiten, nur der Zeitpunkt wann daraus ein Album würde stünde noch nicht fest. :)
Der Produziert gefühlt jedes 2te Album nur mit seiner eigenen Band kommt er nicht in die Pötte.


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Bin gespannt was Prodigy machen, sie sollen ja an einem neuen Album arbeiten. Ohne Keith kann ich mir das nicht vorstellen, auch Konzerte nicht. Mal abwarten.


W:O:A Metalhead
13 Dez. 2018
Lunar Shadow werde nicht mehr live Auftreten.

☨Regarding Live-Performances☨

Today we have to announce that as a band we have decided to not play live anymore.
Our last show will take place at Party.San Open Air in August.

It's not a secret, that I have never been fond of playing live, I stated this in numerous interviews in the past. All shows we did in the last two years were mainly done because we felt that we somehow owed it to our fans, because I was of the opinion, that it was my duty, a token of respect and thankfulness. Yet things got worse throughout time and at a certain point of Lunar Shadow I felt, that I had to put myself and my mental wellbeing in the first place.
I hope you can respect and understand this decision, as difficult as it may be.

Yet we are a band of friends and this decision wasn't made by only one person. Though the other members of Lunar Shadow aren't that reluctant of playing live as I am, they all fully back this decision and have expressed similar feelings regarding live concerts and the places they see themselves and this band.

So, come see us in summer for one last time ere the grain on the fields withers in the clutch of autumn.

Death to Life



W:O:A Metalmaster
29 März 2017
Lunar Shadow werde nicht mehr live Auftreten.

☨Regarding Live-Performances☨

Today we have to announce that as a band we have decided to not play live anymore.
Our last show will take place at Party.San Open Air in August.

It's not a secret, that I have never been fond of playing live, I stated this in numerous interviews in the past. All shows we did in the last two years were mainly done because we felt that we somehow owed it to our fans, because I was of the opinion, that it was my duty, a token of respect and thankfulness. Yet things got worse throughout time and at a certain point of Lunar Shadow I felt, that I had to put myself and my mental wellbeing in the first place.
I hope you can respect and understand this decision, as difficult as it may be.

Yet we are a band of friends and this decision wasn't made by only one person. Though the other members of Lunar Shadow aren't that reluctant of playing live as I am, they all fully back this decision and have expressed similar feelings regarding live concerts and the places they see themselves and this band.

So, come see us in summer for one last time ere the grain on the fields withers in the clutch of autumn.

Death to Life

Strange :confused:
Vor 2 Wochen noch live gesehen und sie kamen mir vor, als ob sie Spaß haben.
Naja für mich war das sowieso nichts.


W:O:A Metalgod
24 Nov. 2001
München - auf der richtigen Isar Seite
Lunar Shadow werde nicht mehr live Auftreten.

☨Regarding Live-Performances☨

Today we have to announce that as a band we have decided to not play live anymore.
Our last show will take place at Party.San Open Air in August.

It's not a secret, that I have never been fond of playing live, I stated this in numerous interviews in the past. All shows we did in the last two years were mainly done because we felt that we somehow owed it to our fans, because I was of the opinion, that it was my duty, a token of respect and thankfulness. Yet things got worse throughout time and at a certain point of Lunar Shadow I felt, that I had to put myself and my mental wellbeing in the first place.
I hope you can respect and understand this decision, as difficult as it may be.

Yet we are a band of friends and this decision wasn't made by only one person. Though the other members of Lunar Shadow aren't that reluctant of playing live as I am, they all fully back this decision and have expressed similar feelings regarding live concerts and the places they see themselves and this band.

So, come see us in summer for one last time ere the grain on the fields withers in the clutch of autumn.

Death to Life


Na, dann muss man sich die in Schlotheim wohl doch noch mal anschauen. Wäre sonst ein Kanditat für eine der wenigen Pausen geworden.


W:O:A Metalhead
25 Juni 2012


W:O:A Metalhead
15 Dez. 2013
In Flames haben wohl diese Woche alle alten Alben vor ihrem Stilwechsel mit A Sense Of Purpose von Streamingdiensten wie Spotify und Tidal restlos entfernt :ugly:
Selbst über direkte Links und in Playlists nicht mehr erreichbar.