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nur zum Pöbeln hier
9 Okt. 2012
Nanowar of Steel auf facebook:


After 18 minutes of tireless work and preparation we arrived at the Rock In Park site yesterday, ready to play today.

The Rock In Park organizers obstructed our efforts to put on the mediocre show we had promised.

Despite what you may hear or read, the Rock In Park organizers did not have control over the circumstances that prevented our performance, given that we are a group of lunatics.

We always have and always will fight to give our fans 2.04%.

Our Umbria fans and press know, if Nanowar Of Steel come to Tuoro Sul Trasimeno and are unable to perform, the fault does lie with us, even though we might say otherwise.
Remember what happened in the "Village Fair of the Steamed Mushroom Festival".

We could not care less that you are being made to suffer.
We want you to know that everything we do is for our wallet.
We stand toghether with your bank account and especially with those who came a long distance to see us, ahahahahah, what a buch of retards OMG I can't believe someone would do that LOL. We will not allow (almost) anyone to send us underage nude pics anymore!

Be very sure we'll spread fake news as usual!

Thank you to the Most Idiot Fans In The World for your continued loyalty and support despite the fact that we have been writing nothing but shitty music for the last 15 years!


27 Apr. 2007
Relapse Records beendet die Zusammenarbeit mit Tau Cross kurz vor dem geplanten Release des neuen Albums.

Statement von Relapse:

Over the weekend the German magazine Ox brought it to our attention that a person named Gerard Menuhin was prominently thanked in the new TAU CROSS album, and specifically credited in the liner notes for inspiring Rob Miller. All Relapse records go through a vigorous proofing process — checking for spelling and punctuation mistakes, mostly. We all read this name, but didn't recognize it or think that it was anything other than a personal friend of the band's, that we did not know. Ox however recognized the name as a far right conspiracy theorist, focused specifically on Holocaust denial. Suddenly the lyrics and themes of the new record were cast in a new light, for me. I spoke with Rob Miller, who is the individual in the band who Oxwas interviewing, and while he denied being a Holocaust denier, I cannot comfortably work on or sell a record that dabbles in ideologies such as these.

There are certain issues that rise above mere political differences and this is one of them. I spoke with the rest of the band on Monday, and NONE of them had any idea who Gerard Menuhin was, and were as shocked by these references in the record, as we at the label were. I firmly believe that these references and mentions in the record do not represent the band as a whole. but rather just Rob Miller's. In light of all this, Relapse swiftly decided we cannot move forward with this album — we gave the masters back to the band, together with the rest of their catalog.

So ein blöder Idiot. Und ich hatte mich so auf das Album gefreut.
Bin mal gespannt, ob und was für eine Erklärung da noch kommt.


W:O:A Metalmaster
19 Aug. 2008
At The Gates kommen im Dezember auf Headliner-Tour. Ich hatte Wiesbaden ins Auge gefasst. Aber Ticketpreise von 41€ + Anfahrt sind mir dann doch eine Spur zu heftig für Bands, die ich schon so oft gesehen habe.
Das ist sogar noch etwas teurer als die Tour im Januar mit Behemoth, als ATG Support waren. :confused:



Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Aug. 2011
It's time to let Blazon Stone die.
For the last few years I've tried to find suitable band members that are both talented and passionate. I cannot find a singer. I cannot find a drummer. I have tried everything can no longer come up with any new ideas how to keep the ship above surface.

I also don't any longer enjoy the whole concept of Blazon Stone:
The whole idea from the start was just to record a "RW style" album for fun. As the song writing quality stepped up a lot with "War Of The Roses" and "Down In The Dark" (compared to the first 2) I felt like this can actually become something and I got ambitious... And then entered the nightmares of trying to actually have a fuctioning line-up. But the concept is the thing I like the least: There's nothing original about this project I can be proud of. It's just blatant copy of an existing band. There's individual songs I've written that I'm proud of, but that's not enough.

Of course I'm thankful for various temporary live stand-ins like vocalist Philip Forsell, both drummers Daniel Sjögren and Kalle Löfgren, as well as bass players Jimmy Mattsson and Kevin Crona, and let's not forget 2nd guitarist Emil!

But I can't go on like this anymore.

There's obviously no interest among any great musicans to join Blazon Stone for a real line-up. And I cannot afford to hire professinal musicians for live use either, because there's really not a lot of money involved when a band is at this size. Bands like Sabaton or Hammerfall may be able to hire anybody they want to because they have big labels backing if needed. I don't have anything to save this sinking ship anymore.

Of course I'm thankful for all fans who has bought the albums, but I still cannot simply summon any talented musicians out of nowhere.

Now it's over.
I have given up on Blazon Stone.
There's nothing more I can do.
I have tried as much as I can.

Thanks for all /// C.


W:O:A Metalgod
4 Aug. 2014
It's time to let Blazon Stone die.
For the last few years I've tried to find suitable band members that are both talented and passionate. I cannot find a singer. I cannot find a drummer. I have tried everything can no longer come up with any new ideas how to keep the ship above surface.

I also don't any longer enjoy the whole concept of Blazon Stone:
The whole idea from the start was just to record a "RW style" album for fun. As the song writing quality stepped up a lot with "War Of The Roses" and "Down In The Dark" (compared to the first 2) I felt like this can actually become something and I got ambitious... And then entered the nightmares of trying to actually have a fuctioning line-up. But the concept is the thing I like the least: There's nothing original about this project I can be proud of. It's just blatant copy of an existing band. There's individual songs I've written that I'm proud of, but that's not enough.

Of course I'm thankful for various temporary live stand-ins like vocalist Philip Forsell, both drummers Daniel Sjögren and Kalle Löfgren, as well as bass players Jimmy Mattsson and Kevin Crona, and let's not forget 2nd guitarist Emil!

But I can't go on like this anymore.

There's obviously no interest among any great musicans to join Blazon Stone for a real line-up. And I cannot afford to hire professinal musicians for live use either, because there's really not a lot of money involved when a band is at this size. Bands like Sabaton or Hammerfall may be able to hire anybody they want to because they have big labels backing if needed. I don't have anything to save this sinking ship anymore.

Of course I'm thankful for all fans who has bought the albums, but I still cannot simply summon any talented musicians out of nowhere.

Now it's over.
I have given up on Blazon Stone.
There's nothing more I can do.
I have tried as much as I can.

Thanks for all /// C.