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W:O:A Metalgod
4 Aug. 2014

Mal Hamburg aufn Freitag im Auge behalten...:cool:


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Aug. 2011
Candlemass - New Album "The Door To Doom" Out February 2019!

The manifestation of pure doom metal!
CANDLEMASS have come full circle: their first singer Johan Langquist (who left the band after singing on the legendary 1986 debut Epicus Doomicus Metallicus) has returned! Now, the epic doom metal veterans announce their 12th full length album The Door to Doom! The album will be released February 22nd via Napalm Records.

The Door To Doom unsurprisingly follows the plotline mastermind, songwriter and bass player Leif Edling established in the past years: epic world class doom metal that relies on slow mammoth riffing. With Johan Langquist`s highly dramatic vocal style and the love for details, the band made this album to the next "Epicus". This masterpiece is rounded off by a beautiful guest appearance by none other than Black Sabbath`s Tony Iommi on 'Astorolus - The Great Octopus.'

Tony Iommi on his appearance:
"Candlemass are a major force in Scandinavian heavy rock and have always acknowledged the influence we had on their music. They asked if I'd contribute to a track which sounded pretty good so I thought 'why not' ".

Leif Edling states:
"We feel very honoured that Tony Iommi said yes to play the solo on ASTOROLUS. The song was sent to the management and amazingly enough, the master agreed to let his mighty SG sing on the track! For me personally this is a dream come true. Tony Iommi has always been my hero and guiding light when it comes to heavy music, so to hear that he likes the song and also would like to play on it, gave me chills down the spine! I'm still in shock! But kudos to him to be so cool to even listen to it. Hats off! Tony Iommi is and will always be God!"

The Door to Doom Tracklisting:
1. Splendor Demon Majesty
2. Under The Ocean
3. Astorolus - the Great Octopus
4. Bridge Of The Blind
5. Death´s Wheel
6. Black Trinity
7. House Of Doom
8. The Omega Circle



W:O:A Metalgod
18 Sep. 2008
REVENGE und MGLA auf Europeantour - vom 05.12.2018, 20:39
Kategorie: Musik

Chaos trifft auf Melodie! Die polnische Black Metal Macht MGLA und die kanadischen Chaos WAR/Black Metaller gehen gemeinsam auf Europatour, als Vorbands sind noch Deus Mortem (28.April - 6.Mai) und Doombringer (8.Mai - 17.Mai) am Start.

Hier die bisherigen Daten:

With Mgła and Deus Mortem * or Doombringer +
28 Apr 19 Berlin (DE) Columbia Theater *
29 Apr 19 Erfurt (DE) From Hell *
30 Apr 19 Zwickau (DE) Seilerstrasse *
01 May 19 Munich (DE) Backstage *
02 May 19 Aarburg (CH) Musigburg *
03 May 19 Vienna (AT) Grelle Forelle *
04 May 19 Nürnberg (DE) Matrixx *
05 May 19 Tilburg (NL) Netherlands Deathfest *
06 May 19 Kassel (DE) Goldgrube *
08 May 19 Poznan (PL) U Bazyla +
09 May 19 Gdansk (PL) B90 +
10 May 19 Warsaw (PL) Porgresja +
11 May 19 Wroclaw (PL) Zaklete Rewiry +
12 May 19 Mörlenbach-Weiher (DE) Live Music Hall +
13 May 19 Colmar (DE) Le Grillen +
14 May 19 Lyon (FR) CCO +
15 May 19 Paris (FR) Petit Bain +
16 May 19 De Kreun (BE) Kortrijk +
17 May 19 Resonanzwerk (DE) Oberhausen +


W:O:A Metalgod
18 Sep. 2008
Sänger Henri Emil Kuula von den Finnen Gorephilia nimmt sich mit 29 Jahren das Leben - vom 05.12.2018, 23:40
Kategorie: Musik

Sänger Henri Emil Kuula von den finnischen Death Metallern Gorephilia hat sich, nach jahrelangen psychischen Problemen, am 3.12.2018, mit nur 29 Jahren, das Leben genommen.

Lest hier das Statement der Band:
» With heavy hearts we deliver the worst of news to our friends and fans. Henri, our vocalist and longtime friend, has passed away. He committed suicide on Monday evening, the 3rd of December, following years of struggle with mental health issues.

Henri was a truly unique personality, sure to leave a long-lasting impression on everyone he met. He was a warm friend and the guy who knew everybody. A true music lover. As our frontman, his one-of-a-kind voice, stage presence and lyrics will be fondly remembered.

Rest in Peace
Henri Emil Kuula (1989-2018)«
