Musikalische Erkenntnis(se) des Tages

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W:O:A Metalhead
5 Sep. 2016
Hab deren Statement mal herausgesucht:


Although we have spoken on this matter many times. Let us be absolutely clear as we repeat it for the people in the back: Panzerfaust is not a Nazi Band. Panzerfaust is not a white nationalist band. Panzerfaust is not a Far-right band. Panzerfaust is, at its core, an apolitical entity.

We never wanted this fight. But if not us, who? And if not now, then when?

Over the course of the past two years, we have seen the world, and more specifically, our home country of Canada undergo a radical transformation. We have lived more or less under a state of lockdown and restriction unprecedented in human history. Whatever your views on whether or not this has been justifiable is not relevant. What is undeniable, however, is that through the course of these measures, we have seen lives lost, businesses ruined, savings disappeared and families divided. Most importantly, we have seen our rights turned into privileges, and our freedom become contingent upon our compliance to government edicts.

As a result of this, what has culminated is “The Freedom Convoy” which has made its way from across Canada, to ultimately arrive in our nation’s capitol of Ottawa. For those who are not familiar, you can find info online.

There have been concerted efforts by our politicians and by our national media entities to discredit this movement as “fringe”, “extremist”, and holding “unacceptable views.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

This past weekend, we traveled several hours to show our support. Although we do not necessarily adhere to all of what this convoy has demanded, the broader movement has been right on the foundational points: No more lockdowns. No more mandates. No more “Us and Them” society.

As we approached the vast radius of the city, we witnessed thousands of people standing along the overpasses and along the roadsides, many adorning flags, some with signs, others without, but invariably waving with undying support. As we entered the city, we saw what can only be described as people truly unified. People of all races. All ages. All political persuasions. Jubilant. Standing for one cause: Freedom. It would be impossible to say whether or not anyone throughout the expanses of the crowds held “unacceptable views”, however the undeniable mood of the people was that of inspiritive zeal. We observed the smiles of tens of thousands of people as they embraced one another and sang in unison as if a cry of free people.

Today we watched as our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau reduced this extraordinary sight to behold as an extremist rally, inviting the likes of neo-nazis and white supremacists to its ranks. Our media seemed quite fine with repeating these remarks: Lock, stock, and barrel. We felt compelled as a band, and as an impenetrable front to say unequivocally that this was not true. They are lying to you.

Let us repeat that. Our politicians and our media have lied about the events of this past weekend. We witnessed no racists. We endorsed no hate. We wished no ill will upon anyone. We simply exercised our democratic right to protest and freely assemble. If nothing else is to come of this, then at least it may embolden a conversation to take place - and that is worth it for its own sake.

We will not apologize for standing up to injustice. We will never accept a society of medical apartheid. We will not be fooled by authoritarianism masquerading as benevolence. We are free people. We will not bend. We will not cower. And although, we may not be vindicated today, or tomorrow, know that there is iron in our words.

We will close with the following lines that we would all do well to reflect upon:

“We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men – not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular.”
-Edward R. Murrow

Finde das ganze wie gesagt auch unglücklich...für mich persönlich reicht es aber nicht, sie zur "Cancel Culture" hinzuzufügen.

Aber das sollte jeder für sich selbst entscheiden.


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Hab deren Statement mal herausgesucht:


Although we have spoken on this matter many times. Let us be absolutely clear as we repeat it for the people in the back: Panzerfaust is not a Nazi Band. Panzerfaust is not a white nationalist band. Panzerfaust is not a Far-right band. Panzerfaust is, at its core, an apolitical entity.

We never wanted this fight. But if not us, who? And if not now, then when?

Over the course of the past two years, we have seen the world, and more specifically, our home country of Canada undergo a radical transformation. We have lived more or less under a state of lockdown and restriction unprecedented in human history. Whatever your views on whether or not this has been justifiable is not relevant. What is undeniable, however, is that through the course of these measures, we have seen lives lost, businesses ruined, savings disappeared and families divided. Most importantly, we have seen our rights turned into privileges, and our freedom become contingent upon our compliance to government edicts.

As a result of this, what has culminated is “The Freedom Convoy” which has made its way from across Canada, to ultimately arrive in our nation’s capitol of Ottawa. For those who are not familiar, you can find info online.

There have been concerted efforts by our politicians and by our national media entities to discredit this movement as “fringe”, “extremist”, and holding “unacceptable views.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

This past weekend, we traveled several hours to show our support. Although we do not necessarily adhere to all of what this convoy has demanded, the broader movement has been right on the foundational points: No more lockdowns. No more mandates. No more “Us and Them” society.

As we approached the vast radius of the city, we witnessed thousands of people standing along the overpasses and along the roadsides, many adorning flags, some with signs, others without, but invariably waving with undying support. As we entered the city, we saw what can only be described as people truly unified. People of all races. All ages. All political persuasions. Jubilant. Standing for one cause: Freedom. It would be impossible to say whether or not anyone throughout the expanses of the crowds held “unacceptable views”, however the undeniable mood of the people was that of inspiritive zeal. We observed the smiles of tens of thousands of people as they embraced one another and sang in unison as if a cry of free people.

Today we watched as our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau reduced this extraordinary sight to behold as an extremist rally, inviting the likes of neo-nazis and white supremacists to its ranks. Our media seemed quite fine with repeating these remarks: Lock, stock, and barrel. We felt compelled as a band, and as an impenetrable front to say unequivocally that this was not true. They are lying to you.

Let us repeat that. Our politicians and our media have lied about the events of this past weekend. We witnessed no racists. We endorsed no hate. We wished no ill will upon anyone. We simply exercised our democratic right to protest and freely assemble. If nothing else is to come of this, then at least it may embolden a conversation to take place - and that is worth it for its own sake.

We will not apologize for standing up to injustice. We will never accept a society of medical apartheid. We will not be fooled by authoritarianism masquerading as benevolence. We are free people. We will not bend. We will not cower. And although, we may not be vindicated today, or tomorrow, know that there is iron in our words.

We will close with the following lines that we would all do well to reflect upon:

“We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men – not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular.”
-Edward R. Murrow

Finde das ganze wie gesagt auch unglücklich...für mich persönlich reicht es aber nicht, sie zur "Cancel Culture" hinzuzufügen.

Aber das sollte jeder für sich selbst entscheiden.
Ist halt alles der gleiche Mist was diese Gruppierungen von sich geben, nur jeder formuliert es etwas anders.
Ne Cancel Culture betreib ich persönlich nicht. Außer Watain hab ich nix gecancelt. Und da kann man natürlich auch diskutieren, denn Mgla höre ich nach wie vor.
Wie du sagst das soll jeder selbst entscheiden.
Ich persönlich kann mir diese ganze Querdenker Scheiße nicht geben, folglich sind mir solche Statements unsympathisch. Da ziehts mich dann auch nicht zu der Band hin.


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Sep. 2012
Finde das ganze wie gesagt auch unglücklich...für mich persönlich reicht es aber nicht, sie zur "Cancel Culture" hinzuzufügen.

Aber das sollte jeder für sich selbst entscheiden.
Gecancellt wird auch nicht, jeder sollte selbst entscheiden inwiefern er mit der Meinung der Band leben kann und, wenn diese nicht zur eigenen Meinung passt, ob man die Musik von der politischen Ausrichtung trennen möchte.
Ich habe für mich entschieden dass ich das nicht mehr trennen möchte, weil ich rechten und oder Künstlern, deren Meinung ich in wichtigen Themen nicht vertrete, keinen Cent und keine Aufmerksamkeit mehr geben möchte.
Der Freedom Convoy ist klar gegen Coronamaßnahmen. Mit dem Statement hat sich die Band klar gegen solche Maßnahmen gestellt. Ich teile diese Meinung nicht, daher ist die Band für mich nicht supportbar. Ich nehme es aber auch keinem übel wenn man es trotzdem hört.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Aug. 2003
Hab deren Statement mal herausgesucht:


Although we have spoken on this matter many times. Let us be absolutely clear as we repeat it for the people in the back: Panzerfaust is not a Nazi Band. Panzerfaust is not a white nationalist band. Panzerfaust is not a Far-right band. Panzerfaust is, at its core, an apolitical entity.

We never wanted this fight. But if not us, who? And if not now, then when?

Over the course of the past two years, we have seen the world, and more specifically, our home country of Canada undergo a radical transformation. We have lived more or less under a state of lockdown and restriction unprecedented in human history. Whatever your views on whether or not this has been justifiable is not relevant. What is undeniable, however, is that through the course of these measures, we have seen lives lost, businesses ruined, savings disappeared and families divided. Most importantly, we have seen our rights turned into privileges, and our freedom become contingent upon our compliance to government edicts.

As a result of this, what has culminated is “The Freedom Convoy” which has made its way from across Canada, to ultimately arrive in our nation’s capitol of Ottawa. For those who are not familiar, you can find info online.

There have been concerted efforts by our politicians and by our national media entities to discredit this movement as “fringe”, “extremist”, and holding “unacceptable views.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

This past weekend, we traveled several hours to show our support. Although we do not necessarily adhere to all of what this convoy has demanded, the broader movement has been right on the foundational points: No more lockdowns. No more mandates. No more “Us and Them” society.

As we approached the vast radius of the city, we witnessed thousands of people standing along the overpasses and along the roadsides, many adorning flags, some with signs, others without, but invariably waving with undying support. As we entered the city, we saw what can only be described as people truly unified. People of all races. All ages. All political persuasions. Jubilant. Standing for one cause: Freedom. It would be impossible to say whether or not anyone throughout the expanses of the crowds held “unacceptable views”, however the undeniable mood of the people was that of inspiritive zeal. We observed the smiles of tens of thousands of people as they embraced one another and sang in unison as if a cry of free people.

Today we watched as our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau reduced this extraordinary sight to behold as an extremist rally, inviting the likes of neo-nazis and white supremacists to its ranks. Our media seemed quite fine with repeating these remarks: Lock, stock, and barrel. We felt compelled as a band, and as an impenetrable front to say unequivocally that this was not true. They are lying to you.

Let us repeat that. Our politicians and our media have lied about the events of this past weekend. We witnessed no racists. We endorsed no hate. We wished no ill will upon anyone. We simply exercised our democratic right to protest and freely assemble. If nothing else is to come of this, then at least it may embolden a conversation to take place - and that is worth it for its own sake.

We will not apologize for standing up to injustice. We will never accept a society of medical apartheid. We will not be fooled by authoritarianism masquerading as benevolence. We are free people. We will not bend. We will not cower. And although, we may not be vindicated today, or tomorrow, know that there is iron in our words.

We will close with the following lines that we would all do well to reflect upon:

“We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men – not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular.”
-Edward R. Murrow

Finde das ganze wie gesagt auch unglücklich...für mich persönlich reicht es aber nicht, sie zur "Cancel Culture" hinzuzufügen.

Aber das sollte jeder für sich selbst entscheiden.

- Wir sind die Opfer.
- Wir sind aufrechte Kämpfer für Freiheit und gegen Unterdrückung.
- Die Regierung ist böse, und das Volk will das nicht.
- Nazis hat hier keiner gesehen.

Das übliche Bullshit-Bingo. Ist übrigens ein und dieselbe Rhetorik auf der ganzen Welt bei diesen Gruppierungen. Und wer sich da so vor den Karren spannen lässt, ist mindestens dämlich.

Dabei sind viele der Führungsfiguren QAnon-Anhänger, Trump-Fans oder einschlägig bekannte Rechtspopulisten.
Oder sie gehen auf Querfront-Kuschelkurs mit Rechten, wie Benjamin Dichter zB.
Vollpfosten, allesamt. :o


5 Aug. 2014
Hab deren Statement mal herausgesucht:


Although we have spoken on this matter many times. Let us be absolutely clear as we repeat it for the people in the back: Panzerfaust is not a Nazi Band. Panzerfaust is not a white nationalist band. Panzerfaust is not a Far-right band. Panzerfaust is, at its core, an apolitical entity.

We never wanted this fight. But if not us, who? And if not now, then when?

Over the course of the past two years, we have seen the world, and more specifically, our home country of Canada undergo a radical transformation. We have lived more or less under a state of lockdown and restriction unprecedented in human history. Whatever your views on whether or not this has been justifiable is not relevant. What is undeniable, however, is that through the course of these measures, we have seen lives lost, businesses ruined, savings disappeared and families divided. Most importantly, we have seen our rights turned into privileges, and our freedom become contingent upon our compliance to government edicts.

As a result of this, what has culminated is “The Freedom Convoy” which has made its way from across Canada, to ultimately arrive in our nation’s capitol of Ottawa. For those who are not familiar, you can find info online.

There have been concerted efforts by our politicians and by our national media entities to discredit this movement as “fringe”, “extremist”, and holding “unacceptable views.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

This past weekend, we traveled several hours to show our support. Although we do not necessarily adhere to all of what this convoy has demanded, the broader movement has been right on the foundational points: No more lockdowns. No more mandates. No more “Us and Them” society.

As we approached the vast radius of the city, we witnessed thousands of people standing along the overpasses and along the roadsides, many adorning flags, some with signs, others without, but invariably waving with undying support. As we entered the city, we saw what can only be described as people truly unified. People of all races. All ages. All political persuasions. Jubilant. Standing for one cause: Freedom. It would be impossible to say whether or not anyone throughout the expanses of the crowds held “unacceptable views”, however the undeniable mood of the people was that of inspiritive zeal. We observed the smiles of tens of thousands of people as they embraced one another and sang in unison as if a cry of free people.

Today we watched as our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau reduced this extraordinary sight to behold as an extremist rally, inviting the likes of neo-nazis and white supremacists to its ranks. Our media seemed quite fine with repeating these remarks: Lock, stock, and barrel. We felt compelled as a band, and as an impenetrable front to say unequivocally that this was not true. They are lying to you.

Let us repeat that. Our politicians and our media have lied about the events of this past weekend. We witnessed no racists. We endorsed no hate. We wished no ill will upon anyone. We simply exercised our democratic right to protest and freely assemble. If nothing else is to come of this, then at least it may embolden a conversation to take place - and that is worth it for its own sake.

We will not apologize for standing up to injustice. We will never accept a society of medical apartheid. We will not be fooled by authoritarianism masquerading as benevolence. We are free people. We will not bend. We will not cower. And although, we may not be vindicated today, or tomorrow, know that there is iron in our words.

We will close with the following lines that we would all do well to reflect upon:

“We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men – not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular.”
-Edward R. Murrow

Finde das ganze wie gesagt auch unglücklich...für mich persönlich reicht es aber nicht, sie zur "Cancel Culture" hinzuzufügen.

Aber das sollte jeder für sich selbst entscheiden.

Ist halt alles der gleiche Mist was diese Gruppierungen von sich geben, nur jeder formuliert es etwas anders.
Ne Cancel Culture betreib ich persönlich nicht. Außer Watain hab ich nix gecancelt. Und da kann man natürlich auch diskutieren, denn Mgla höre ich nach wie vor.
Wie du sagst das soll jeder selbst entscheiden.
Ich persönlich kann mir diese ganze Querdenker Scheiße nicht geben, folglich sind mir solche Statements unsympathisch. Da ziehts mich dann auch nicht zu der Band hin.

Gecancellt wird auch nicht, jeder sollte selbst entscheiden inwiefern er mit der Meinung der Band leben kann und, wenn diese nicht zur eigenen Meinung passt, ob man die Musik von der politischen Ausrichtung trennen möchte.
Ich habe für mich entschieden dass ich das nicht mehr trennen möchte, weil ich rechten und oder Künstlern, deren Meinung ich in wichtigen Themen nicht vertrete, keinen Cent und keine Aufmerksamkeit mehr geben möchte.
Der Freedom Convoy ist klar gegen Coronamaßnahmen. Mit dem Statement hat sich die Band klar gegen solche Maßnahmen gestellt. Ich teile diese Meinung nicht, daher ist die Band für mich nicht supportbar. Ich nehme es aber auch keinem übel wenn man es trotzdem hört.
Da ich noch viel Kontakt zu meiner kanadischen Gastfamilie habe, habe ich natürlich schon von dem Freedom Convoy und die Gruppe als kanadisches Pendant von unseren Querdenkern abgestempelt.

Ich persönlich sehe die ganzen Diskussionen um strittige Bands wie @Beckz und höre deshalb einige Bands nicht (mehr). Wenn es Diskussionen gibt, dann gucke ich worum es genau geht und entscheide es dann für mich, ob ich es mit meinem Gewissen vereinbaren kann die Band noch zu hören bzw. inwiefern die Band sich von ihrem Verhalten distanziert hat. Alcest höre ich deshalb weiterhin, Iced Earth und Demons and Wizards sind von meinen Playlisten verschwunden.


nur zum Pöbeln hier
9 Okt. 2012
Da ich noch viel Kontakt zu meiner kanadischen Gastfamilie habe, habe ich natürlich schon von dem Freedom Convoy und die Gruppe als kanadisches Pendant von unseren Querdenkern abgestempelt.

Ich persönlich sehe die ganzen Diskussionen um strittige Bands wie @Beckz und höre deshalb einige Bands nicht (mehr). Wenn es Diskussionen gibt, dann gucke ich worum es genau geht und entscheide es dann für mich, ob ich es mit meinem Gewissen vereinbaren kann die Band noch zu hören bzw. inwiefern die Band sich von ihrem Verhalten distanziert hat. Alcest höre ich deshalb weiterhin, Iced Earth und Demons and Wizards sind von meinen Playlisten verschwunden.
Hat sich Neige außer mit "unpolitisch"-Blabla und "ist alles Vergangenheit" echt mal von Peste Noir distanziert ? :confused:


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Sep. 2012
Hat sich Neige außer mit "unpolitisch"-Blabla und "ist alles Vergangenheit" echt mal von Peste Noir distanziert ? :confused:
Neige hat für mich glaubwürdig klar gemacht dass es halt Vergangenheit ist und er mit der Ideologie nichts zu tun haben will. Das ist doch ein klares Statement.


W:O:A Metalgod
21 März 2013
Kreis Ostholstein

- Wir sind die Opfer.
- Wir sind aufrechte Kämpfer für Freiheit und gegen Unterdrückung.
- Die Regierung ist böse, und das Volk will das nicht.
- Nazis hat hier keiner gesehen.

Das übliche Bullshit-Bingo. Ist übrigens ein und dieselbe Rhetorik auf der ganzen Welt bei diesen Gruppierungen. Und wer sich da so vor den Karren spannen lässt, ist mindestens dämlich.

Dabei sind viele der Führungsfiguren QAnon-Anhänger, Trump-Fans oder einschlägig bekannte Rechtspopulisten.
Oder sie gehen auf Querfront-Kuschelkurs mit Rechten, wie Benjamin Dichter zB.
Vollpfosten, allesamt. :o
Wer sind Sie denn?
Leben Sie auch noch?:D
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Reaktionen: MetallKopp


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Mai 2020
Aber das sollte jeder für sich selbst entscheiden.

Da ich noch viel Kontakt zu meiner kanadischen Gastfamilie habe, habe ich natürlich schon von dem Freedom Convoy und die Gruppe als kanadisches Pendant von unseren Querdenkern abgestempelt.

Ich persönlich sehe die ganzen Diskussionen um strittige Bands wie @Beckz und höre deshalb einige Bands nicht (mehr). Wenn es Diskussionen gibt, dann gucke ich worum es genau geht und entscheide es dann für mich, ob ich es mit meinem Gewissen vereinbaren kann die Band noch zu hören bzw. inwiefern die Band sich von ihrem Verhalten distanziert hat. Alcest höre ich deshalb weiterhin, Iced Earth und Demons and Wizards sind von meinen Playlisten verschwunden.

Absolut. Wir haben das Glück, dass jeder für sich selbst da seine Grenzen setzen kann. Und wie oben erwähnt, bei Panzerfaust fällt es mir leicht, weil ich die einfach quasi gar nicht gehört habe. Würde mir mit Bands, die ich seit Jahren höre definitiv nicht so leicht fallen

Ich habe halt nicht jede Band, zumal ich diese erst seit ein paar Wochen kenne, einem Check unterzogen. Schade drum, dann wird das gleiche wie mit Mgla passieren. Die Band wird in Zukunft ignoriert.

Bei BM hat sich das über die letzten Jahre bei mir eingebürgert, dass ich nichts mehr ohne Backgroundcheck anhöre. Schon traurig, dass ich es als notwendig erachte.


nur zum Pöbeln hier
9 Okt. 2012
Absolut. Wir haben das Glück, dass jeder für sich selbst da seine Grenzen setzen kann. Und wie oben erwähnt, bei Panzerfaust fällt es mir leicht, weil ich die einfach quasi gar nicht gehört habe. Würde mir mit Bands, die ich seit Jahren höre definitiv nicht so leicht fallen

Bei BM hat sich das über die letzten Jahre bei mir eingebürgert, dass ich nichts mehr ohne Backgroundcheck anhöre. Schon traurig, dass ich es als notwendig erachte.
Einfach nur Burzum hören. :o