It's interesting how flags have become so political now, when the original purpose for flags was to identify:
...well it started with noble families (banners) in medievil times and villages
...armies, depending on who's war it was (not always one country against another)
...then eventually countries
If I see someone carrying a flag, the first and only thing that comes to mind is the country-not the politics/politicians of the country. It's the people and their culture I think about.
In Australia, there are always different flags, because the majority of us are 1st generation Australian and the cultures of our parents is still very strong. So seeing an Australian carry an Israeli, Italian, Russian, Polish flag is very common.
So, xpet, if I saw you carrying a German flag at Wacken, I would first think, oh she's German and say 'Guten Tag'. If you were carrying it while walking through a city, then I would think something different
mserebrinsky, THE MEDIA in Australia are saying the recent anti-semite in Europe is a result of what is happening in the occupied territory at the moment. There was a story from France where (I think it was in Lyon) a whole Jewish cemetary was vandalised with nazi graffiti by muslims youths. I'm trying to find a story on the internet about it, but can't find only happened at or since the weekend.