W:O:A Metalmaster
Originally posted by miss_terre4
On peut commencer par les bases...
"Est ce que t'as une bière pour moi?"
"Do you have a beer for me?"
"Ou sont les toilettes?" ; "Where are the restroom?"
"Je suis bourré"; "I'm drunk"
"J'ai envie de me barrer, j'en ai marre"
"I want to go away, I don't like this place"
"Quelle heure il est?" "what time is it?"
"J'ai la dalle" (j'ai faim), I'm hungry
"J'ai envie de me torcher la gueule" ; "I wanna drink 'til death"
(Sure, it's not "correct old french, but.... wacken spirit french!! hehe)
Excusez moi, madame, tu peut me traduire les sentences suivant:
Please go away, you freak, you are headbanging in my beer.
Sorry, but you have an ass people probably fight wars over. May I compose a ballad about it?
Sir, that alcohol which you hold there is rightfully mine. I will have to kill you barbarically in front of the mainstage at dawn.
Merci beaucoup.