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Well, enemys pose a threat to the civilisation.
If they want to oppose, then fine, just dont tell the Mulks about it.
An if they became allys then there would be no problem.
Mulks dont roll in their own greed.
They dont fuck/molest their neighbours children.
There isn't one old fuck trying to control everything.
You make up your own rules pretty much.
You aren't told what to do.(Battles not included)
Pacifists, serving no purpose to the greater good of Mulk, are infected with various lethal airborne pathogens and then catapulted into enemy encampments.
You see, in Mulkonia, anti-war activists don't protest biological weapons - they become them.
Since you have not supported our weapons inspection teams we will invade your country, smash your CD collection and tear your teddybears apart. It is said that full out war will be unleashed against you and all allies. We will gather at the great watch tower of whatsitcalled to smash all mulks who still have some courage in them (considering their hiding). Know that our host consists of our best BritneySpearanians and BackstreetOrks lead by our great BushMan...
Ofcourse we are corrupt as always and support official deliverage of beer at our wacken tent to prevent the huge losses you are about to suffer...