IMPORTANT-Credit cards problems/Metaltix?

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
There's not much else they can do now except upgrade their security.
I've been bloody lucky. My bank gave me the benefit of the doubt and refunded the money immediately. Banks here are starting to adopt a policy of 'if we don't find that you contributed to or benefitted from the fraud the bank refunds you'. I've sent them the Metal Tix email so hopefully that proves my case.

Well, I'm waiting for mine. And I went to the BE police but they can't do anything. They told me I could maybe press charges in Germany, and now I'm trying to call Kerkrade/Herzogenrath police, as they also speak Dutch there. It's both Dutch and German. (nice, international police stations)

Sam Przyborowski

W:O:A Metalhead
2 Apr. 2005
the CC i used to buy the WOA ticket this year was used to buy something for 1 USD from some online store like more than 10 days ago and my bank stopped it immediately and informed me ..

Pretty much the same for me but for a quid. Also something for "Click N Buy" but no money was actually taken.

Found out when tried to use the card myself and was unable to. Phoned them up and they stopped the card and sending me a new one. Will check the statement thoroughly when I get it through..


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007


W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
funny shit
i just got an email today from wacken telling me that the fest is sold out ( no really!?) and to not buy tickets that may be available on ebay and other sites due to fraudulent tickets, haaa!

no mention of the main metaltix hack that messed so many peoples accounts up. :o


21 Jan. 2007
I paid by debit card, and had a good few thousand UK pounds taken from it from Spain pushing me well into an unauthorised overdraft. The bank phoned the same day and confirmed the fraudulent transactions. That was about a month ago and I still haven't got my money back yet. :mad: