How I lost my virginity

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W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Wackianne
Ahahaha, what a laugh, not a bore! Now that was definitely a memorable being-drunk-for-the-1st-time :D!

hehe, thank you :) at one point in the night I actually grabbed a pen and a napkin and wrote some notes about what was going on, because I wanted to see if I'd really "forget" everything when I sobered up.

of course, when I found it the next morning, it was all one big scribble and I couldn't read it anyway. :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Dez. 2001
Helltown Ahaus
Originally posted by Warthog
hehe, thank you :) at one point in the night I actually grabbed a pen and a napkin and wrote some notes about what was going on, because I wanted to see if I'd really "forget" everything when I sobered up.

of course, when I found it the next morning, it was all one big scribble and I couldn't read it anyway. :D

*lol* I want to do this too some times... but every time I`m to drunken and so I forget it :D ;)

Do..what´s good for you ;)