Heavy Metal from South America

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W:O:A Metalhead
4 Mai 2002
Originally posted by Supercharger
Well we've got some great bands of our own like After forever, The Gathering, Within Tempation, Oprhanage, Pestilince and so on. They don't get as much recognition as they deserve in my country. What's from abroad seems more interesting isn't it?

Thats exactly the same here. Whats from abroad seems more interesting...specially if they are signed by a major label :p

Anyway...werent the dutch fans who basically killed Pestilence?


15 Apr. 2002
Website besuchen
Hi Lordwalter,
I'm quite interested in South American Underground. They seem to have a rather big Power/Tradiotional Metal scene down there (which, judging from your profile is your favorite style :) ).
I know some Bands from down there.

Bands from Brazil became quite popular over here, I might be not the only one who ever heard of Steel Warrior, Dragonheart, Fates Prophecy, Myatan, Dark Avenger, Liar Symphony, Ratos de Porao and of course the mighty VIPER! Ok, some of those are only known to some Freaks :D.

Argentinia seems to be interesting too, I know Leviathan, Horcas and Logos, and heard of El Dragon (???).

Further I know Alvacast from Uruguay.

I did not mention the "big names" now and plenty of Black Death
Metal stuff which I know (Undercroft /Chile rule!).

I can post more if you want but I would have to check my collection first.

Cheerz Mach666

PS: THe most "exotic" stuff I propably have is the Gothic/Doom Band Dusk, who come from ---> PAKISTAN <--- !!! :D:D.D


W:O:A Metalhead
23 Apr. 2002
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Hi Mach666,

you don´t even imagine how happy I was as I read your message! You really know Leviathan, Horcas and Logos??? It´s fu..ing amazing!!!!

It would be a pleasure for me to send you some material from these bands. Maybe you can change me some rare material too! What do you think? I´m quite interested in these sounds coming fom PAKISTAN!! he he he he he!!!

I will send you private message with my e-Mail Address. I hope to keep in contact with you. Just send me an e-Mail !!

See you brothers!


20 Apr. 2002
Website besuchen
bands from South America with balls

hey i was passing by and i just realized that i'm from southamerica hehe
well partners all the following bands are from southamerica too, all these web sites have an english version

-criminal www.criminal.cl (from chile)
-undercroft www.undercroft.cl
-dorso www.dorso.cl (in spanish)
-coprofago www.coprofago.com
-inquisicion www.inquisicion.scd.cl (heavy fucking metal)
-timecode www.timecode.cl
-angor www.angor.cl
-necrosis www.necrosis.cl (under construction but check something out)


One more to add to the list:

I think they're from Brasil, they play Power Metal (the kind with lotsa keyboards), and personally, I really quite like them. You can find their site here:


It's not available in english though, but just click on the "Demos" button at the top and they'll take you to a download page where you can download their stuff:


Other than that, I can imagine very well that there are a couple of metal bands from South America on MP3.com :)

NP: Iced Earth - Dark Saga


W:O:A Metalhead
23 Apr. 2002
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Hello Pil,

thank you very much for you link!
If you are interested I could post some links of Argentinian Bands also. There you can download MP3 and know a little bit more about the scene in South America. Tell me if you want to have some links posted here.

Kind regards!


Well, you're welcome of course (hey, I was glad too when someone posted this Uirapuru link and led me to them), as for the Argentinian scene, any link here is welcome I think, so go ahead :)

I could give you people some links from the local scene here if you want (mainly Groningen), though it's not South America ;)

NP: Iced Earth - Path I Choose (Live)
@Suwarin: It's true, that where the guys from Rottenness, I met them at Obscene Extreme the first time and we had two good eavenings together. I hardly haden't recognised them, but when they saw me, they began to growl and so I knew it was them. Ask Waldi he was joining me, when I met them first time in Wacken...

I have their demo tape and when they aren't on tour I'll visit them in Mexico in some weeks, shall I bring something with me to here for you?

@The Rest: In south America there are a lot of great Metalbands exspecialy Grindcore.....................
@Lordwalter: Don't thank me, thank the bands who made it this way. Not long ago I didn't knew Bands from SouthAmerica ecxept the known ones, but on festivals I often met people also from there and they told me a lot of great bands from there and expecialy Rottenness I have to thank, because they didn't even told me about bands, they even played CDs for me on a Ghettoblaster and later on they sold me a lot of demotapes/demoCDs from these bands for a very special price......fucking great people.

Yes tell me/give links about Argentinian bands, because I'm sorry to say, that about Argentinian bands I hardly know anything - until yet....

Lets GRIND the planet....


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Mai 2002
Hey Schizzo, do you know a brazilian grind band called Rot? They are very famous in Europe. I think that they moved to Netherlands this year...