Hi Lordwalter,
I'm quite interested in South American Underground. They seem to have a rather big Power/Tradiotional Metal scene down there (which, judging from your profile is your favorite style

I know some Bands from down there.
Bands from Brazil became quite popular over here, I might be not the only one who ever heard of Steel Warrior, Dragonheart, Fates Prophecy, Myatan, Dark Avenger, Liar Symphony, Ratos de Porao and of course the mighty VIPER! Ok, some of those are only known to some Freaks

Argentinia seems to be interesting too, I know Leviathan, Horcas and Logos, and heard of El Dragon (???).
Further I know Alvacast from Uruguay.
I did not mention the "big names" now and plenty of Black Death
Metal stuff which I know (Undercroft /Chile rule!).
I can post more if you want but I would have to check my collection first.
Cheerz Mach666
PS: THe most "exotic" stuff I propably have is the Gothic/Doom Band Dusk, who come from ---> PAKISTAN <--- !!!
