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Huiii... Sauren Apfel! The stuff that made me drunk for the first time ... - honestly I can´t see it anymore now but whatever, the others haven´t tried yet! I´ll stick to the Apfelkorn then, I think, as most of the other Berentzen stuff isn´t so nice... Cool Power... Herber Zwetsch... näää....
Alcohol! About 16%, I think.
Supposed to be tasting like sour apple (?)
If you drink to much it CAN get really disgusting (at least in my case) and start to taste rather chemical.
aaaahhhhh! I only bought this stuff because all you guys wanted to try something really german. Now you HAVE to drink it! Hehe. I´ll get rid of my booze for sure, I don´t worry!
Originally posted by xpet aaaahhhhh! I only bought this stuff because all you guys wanted to try something really german. Now you HAVE to drink it! Hehe. I´ll get rid of my booze for sure, I don´t worry!
I showed your message to a couple of friends of mine, they agreed as well, especially, they said, when it was in reagrds of me and the friend I'm going to Wacken with