Guys from abroad, I need your help!

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W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
oh cool, he´s seen it :) :D
well, does it help just to check out the very first post in this thread (don´t be confused, my former name here was xpet :D ) or the page ?
Or in short - what I need is the name, street addy and - if available - the web address of any place that might be interesting for Metalheads - such as pubs, clubs, venues and shops. And maybe a little description like what kind of location is it, opening hours, what kind of music you can listen to, just whatever comes to your mind :)


W:O:A Metalhead
1 März 2004
Holon, Israel
Website besuchen
ok ...
I can begin with 2 things.
1. The Alternative. it's an alternative/metal party which takes place every thursday in Tel Aviv. the exact location of the club is -
Kibbutz Galuiot 49 st. the place is named "Studio 49". it opens up at midnight and closes down at 6 am.
you can check out that page for more info
check out the flyer at the bottom of the page.
with that you also have an e-mail for more info just below the flyer.

2. Metal shop. there's a metal shop as well in Tel Aviv, which is located on the Frishman 42 st. and you can find in there cds, dvds, t-shirts and local concert tickets. + info about most of the events that you have in the near time. and more then that, you can just come there and listen to good metal music and meet metalheads, which is always fun :) the store is open untill 9 pm, and I am not sure about opening hours...

besides that there are pretty much concerts and other places, which I can't talk about because those things just don't come on regular basis. but you will find all the info at the metal shop, if you pay a visit...

hope I was helpfull...


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
hey, yes, thats indeed pretty helpful :) Already seen people complaining in our guestbook that Israel is missing :o
I´ll gonna put that info online on sunday I guess, I´ll do that next update for celebrating the 2nd b-day of the website then :D
Don´t worry, that going to a shop and ask-thing is what I´m telling the people too all the time :)

so thanks a lot!!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
okay guys, I´m just working on a complete relaunch of the Metal Travel Guide (for those who still don´t know it: :D ).
The whole new thing will be data base-based, have a search function, country maps and stuff.
So please everybody, check the entries for your country - anything missing, still all data correct?
Besides I´d like to know what you think about the following layout:
Fonts and stuff are not 100% ready, but just in general - is it too little "METAL" or do you like it?
Thx for Feedback :)


W:O:A Metalhead
30 Mai 2002
Monterrey, Mexico
Lucretia schrieb:
okay guys, I´m just working on a complete relaunch of the Metal Travel Guide (for those who still don´t know it: :D ).
The whole new thing will be data base-based, have a search function, country maps and stuff.
So please everybody, check the entries for your country - anything missing, still all data correct?
Besides I´d like to know what you think about the following layout:
Fonts and stuff are not 100% ready, but just in general - is it too little "METAL" or do you like it?
Thx for Feedback :)

Hello Luci!!! I like the new layout. I'll send you some updates for the Monterrey area ;)


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Rosk schrieb:
Hello Luci!!! I like the new layout. I'll send you some updates for the Monterrey area ;)

Hey, Roskitoman - hope you're doing good. We're gonna watch the Ratos de Porao later in the evening. Anything nice we should scream at them you can think of? Oh, I just remembered, they're brazilian. Where's Lysitanno when you need him?