Euro in Sweden

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W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
I saw the assassination report on the news last night. Horrible stuff. The analysts are saying that the Euro YES vote will win as a result of sympathy now instead of true opinion.

Anyway, with every change there is good and bad, I guess.

From an Aussie (tourist) point of view, the Euro (although convenient when travelling througout Europe) has increase the price of everything for us as well as for you.

The DM and AUS$ were close to 1:1 And I'm sorry for locals whose wage was converted to Euro and who in theory get paid half the amount they used to while the cost of living has doubled :(

In Italy the introduction of the Euro has the humble cheese and anchovy pizza costing us AUS$16 OUCH!

AUS$ = about 5 SEK and with conversation the price of things were about the same in Sweden as in Australia (except for beer). So being a selfish tourist, I hope the SEK stays because I love Sweden and I'd like at least one of my favourite places in the world not to cost me double for everything :rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalmaster
16 Juli 2003
they didn't ask us either..

Jupp, same thing in Germany.

But i think, that there are many economic reasons, which a normal citizen won`t understand.
In my opinion, the intrdoduction of the euro without asking the people, was a good thing in Germany.

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
I live in a democracy I want to be asked if our government changes something like that. That's not the same like a new single law, this affects everyone in daily life.
And still, our economy isn't any better since Euro came, it's worse. People buy less because everything turned more expensive. And that's good for our economy?!


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
Website besuchen
I saw on the news about Sweden voting against the Euro.It showed people celebrating the vote.

I took $850 American with me to Wacken & exchanged it in Heathrow & got about 650 Euro's in exchange.I didn't know the Euro was that stronger than the American dollar.


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Originally posted by KaeptnKorn
Jupp, same thing in Germany.

But i think, that there are many economic reasons, which a normal citizen won`t understand.
In my opinion, the intrdoduction of the euro without asking the people, was a good thing in Germany.
I agree. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff the nay-sayers put up as arguments against joining the European joint venture.

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
the problem is, citizens are never told about the facts. What do I know about the advantages of the Euro for Austrian economy? If no one tells me, I'll never know it. It's not the problem that we wouldn't understand it anyway (sorry this is really a lousy argument) - we never got the chance for a try to understand the arguments. And I don't see any advantages right now. I have to pay more for everything and the economy is worse now. And why? Because people can affortd less. I pay approx. 10% more every day if I do our normal daily shopping in the supermarket. But I don't earn those 10% more if going to work.

I know why they didn't ask us - because we would have said no.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
In the long run the Euro will benefit its membership countries. The current European recession has nothing to do with it. Neither has the initial exchange rate. People will say no, because "they know what they have but not what they get".

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
and why is there recession now? Because people can afford less. Everything went more expensive when the Euro came. They consume less and so on. But that doesn't effect our econonmy in no way - that's the way our politicians think and some people, unfortunaly. Recession has nothing to do with consuming. I think my geography teacher was wrong. I've learned something else.

Don't inform people, don't ask them just do even if 62% are against it (according to many demoscops shortly before we changed to Euros) - they are just stupid because they are kept stupid. Why did no one tell us any arguments? Just because we wouldn't get it anyway? Sorry, but this is not an argument either.
It's really lousy to live in such democracy. Such decisions affect us all. But we weren't aksed anyway. Is this fair?


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
I thought you had parliamentarism, the point of which is that there doesn't have to be a public vote on everything that affects the citizens. If the government are such malicious morons, why did you vote for them, then?

When Sweden voted about the membership in the EU, there was first an uproar since it was rumoured that the Swedish "snus", the wet tobacco snuff would be prohibited, and the pro-votes plummeted in the Gallups. Then it was proclaimed that it wouldn't be forbidden after all, and that you in the future would be able to bring more alcohol into the country than before, and the pro-votes got the upper hand.

People in general don't have the capacity to see the larger picture when it comes to national economics. I know I don't, but at least I try to base my vote on something more than just instant gratification.