Die Kommentarspalte vom Kaltenbach Open Air ist ja auch wieder köstlich
Die Kommentare auf der Seite von Nekrodeus auch:
"As a fellow festival organizer, I find your statement surprising and disappointing. Festivals are meant to celebrate the diversity and unity of the metal scene, not to create divisions. Publicly distancing yourself from other bands based on “political and moral reasons” seems less about solidarity and more about self-promotion.
Respectfully, decisions like this undermine the very spirit of our community. If every band started playing gatekeeper, the scene would collapse under the weight of its own divisions..."
Was ne Pedokriminellen verteidigende Hohlfritte.
Blahblahblah, Dagon ist nicht verurteilt, wo sind die Beweise. Alter, es gab offizielle Dokumente, die den Besitz von KiPo bestätigen.