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Black Wizzard

W:O:A Metalgod
8 Aug. 2007
Night is finally closing in, but I have no fear
In the hour when the night falls
Voices from the dark side are calling my name
Slowly fading to the world where I belong
Ebony rising, I close my eyes
Flashing pictures of an old remembrance passing by
On obsidian wings I fly, leave the gates behind
Through the colonnades of eternity
This is the end for me, I'm dying
So I close my eyes, and I can see the shadows rise
On black wings I fly, as I cross the dark sky
So I close my eyes, and I can see the shadows rise
When daylight dies, eternally
As whispers surround me, see people I have known
Remember times I had forgotten long ago
Dark arms embrace my soul, emptiness fills my mind
As the pulse of life is slowly fading
Now a storm is rising
Then he appears
Cloaked in a robe of black
Waiting to guide my soul from here
Across the stream of life, to a kingdom beyond, back to the place of birth,
So this the end for me, I'm dying
So I close my eyes, and I can see the shadows rise
On black wings I fly, as I cross the dark sky
So I close my eyes, and I can see the shadows rise
When daylight dies, eternally
A world of silence, waits for me, the end in darkness, is my destiny
As my life passes, before my eyes, from my birth, to the time I die
From my cradle, to my grave, a little time, until the death embrace.
Now my memories fade away, the past forgotten, a new life waits for me.
Will I reincarnate, will I die forever, when I meet my fate, at the break of dawn.
Soon I will now, if there is endless darkness, or there is blazing light.
When daylight turns to night.
Eternal Silence
As my memories Fade to black
Rising darkness
And there is no turning back


W:O:A Metalgod
23 Aug. 2004
Night is finally closing in, but I have no fear
In the hour when the night falls
Voices from the dark side are calling my name
Slowly fading to the world where I belong
Ebony rising, I close my eyes
Flashing pictures of an old remembrance passing by
On obsidian wings I fly, leave the gates behind
Through the colonnades of eternity
This is the end for me, I'm dying
So I close my eyes, and I can see the shadows rise
On black wings I fly, as I cross the dark sky
So I close my eyes, and I can see the shadows rise
When daylight dies, eternally
As whispers surround me, see people I have known
Remember times I had forgotten long ago
Dark arms embrace my soul, emptiness fills my mind
As the pulse of life is slowly fading
Now a storm is rising
Then he appears
Cloaked in a robe of black
Waiting to guide my soul from here
Across the stream of life, to a kingdom beyond, back to the place of birth,
So this the end for me, I'm dying
So I close my eyes, and I can see the shadows rise
On black wings I fly, as I cross the dark sky
So I close my eyes, and I can see the shadows rise
When daylight dies, eternally
A world of silence, waits for me, the end in darkness, is my destiny
As my life passes, before my eyes, from my birth, to the time I die
From my cradle, to my grave, a little time, until the death embrace.
Now my memories fade away, the past forgotten, a new life waits for me.
Will I reincarnate, will I die forever, when I meet my fate, at the break of dawn.
Soon I will now, if there is endless darkness, or there is blazing light.
When daylight turns to night.
Eternal Silence
As my memories Fade to black
Rising darkness
And there is no turning back

Das hatt ich heut auch.

Black Wizzard

W:O:A Metalgod
8 Aug. 2007
Today I have lost my inner fight -
time for me to go
Innocence aches if you are angry inside
I want you to know
that injustice broke my inner defence
and now I am here to take the consequence

Your false and cold society
are dreary minds and mean nothing to me
I can't go any further -
I have reached the point of no return

These are my last words
to a world I will leave behind
These are my last words
to the ones I cannot find

Bury my heart under a different sun
with a light that is brighter
Shining on me to show everyone
here lies no fighter
Just a dreamer born with a crystal soul
inside of a shell
I am Falling deep into a bottomless hole
Awaiting the end that only time could tell

The sources are cold reality,
careless minds that mean nothing to me
I can't go any further
I have reached the point of no return


14 Juli 2008
welcome to the land of questions
welcome to the isle of lore
where the veil came crumbling down

there it all began,
the germination
unveiling a cryptic door
there it was revealed
hopes and aspirations
unclosing an enthralled door

escalate the sense
enhancing to join the dawn

I close my eyes, inis mona
and reminisce of those palmy days
I moon over you, inis mona
as long as I breathe
I`ll call you my home

20 years I have walked your barrows
years of emulous youth
I followed the path of the wise

there it all was sown,
the inspiration
removing the seven seals
there it was revealed
enigma and freedom
unclosing an unseen door

escalate the sense
enhancing to join the dawn

I close my eyes, inis mona
and reminisce of those palmy days
I moon over you, inis mona
as long as I breathe
I`ll call you my home

escalate the sense
enhancing to join the dawn

I close my eyes, inis mona
and reminisce of those palmy days
I moon over you, inis mona
as long as I breathe
I`ll call you my home

Black Wizzard

W:O:A Metalgod
8 Aug. 2007
Slumber-When nothing was left.*diemusikhuldich*

Endless halls
deep bottomless corridors
where i have crawled through years of cold dead decay
reaching for something i could never hold onto
gripping around something so withering and fragile

i abused myself to a point where nothing was left
my days had become so gray and colorless
slowly the ashes where sweeping around me
falling deeper and deeper into dusk
now i realize my soul was tainted (in disgrace)

so hard a surface, yet so easily broken...
torn apart by truth and its sickening touch
words came out but were painfully spoken
i never knew it would hurt so much

so hard a surface, yet so easily broken...


W:O:A Metalmaster
17 Dez. 2010
Bad Bevensen
zu dem thema gibts aber sogar nen eigenen fred:D

Sachen gibts:o Dann mach ich mich wohl irgendwann amn auf die Suche danach :) Und solang träller ich hier im Fred halt noch das ein oder andere Liedchen :cool:
*Ohrenschützer auf, damitr ich mich selbst nich hören muss*
*Musik laut aufdreh*
*Mutter knebel,damit das Gemotze aufhört*

Raise your swords up high
See the black birds fly
Let them hear your rage
Show no fear

*gröööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööhl* :cool:


W:O:A Metalmaster
6 Aug. 2008
Sachen gibts:o Dann mach ich mich wohl irgendwann amn auf die Suche danach :) Und solang träller ich hier im Fred halt noch das ein oder andere Liedchen :cool:
*Ohrenschützer auf, damitr ich mich selbst nich hören muss*
*Musik laut aufdreh*
*Mutter knebel,damit das Gemotze aufhört*

Raise your swords up high
See the black birds fly
Let them hear your rage
Show no fear

*gröööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööhl* :cool:



für die atmosphäre