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14 Juli 2008
My whole life waiting for the right time
To tell you how I feel
And though I tried to tell you that I need you
Here I am without you
I feel so lost but what can I do?
'Cause I know this love seems real
But I don't know how to feel

We say goodbye in the pouring rain
And I break down as you walk away
Stay, stay
'Cause all my life I've felt this way
But I could never find the words to say

Stay, stay


W:O:A Metalmaster
14 Nov. 2009
As through your shattered eyes
It all came together
And your heart cries
Weeping through the weather
Another way to change your mind
I'm weaker than they say
To leave this all behind
The only way to stay

Don't you know
I'm the end of what we'll be
And right below us
The last thing you'll see

In the water
I saw you drown
Down the water
I Saw you drown

In the water
I saw you drown
Down the water
I Saw you drown

As through my shattered sight
You're no longer here
And my heart cries
Sleeping through the light
Another way to change my mind
Never is the day
To leave this all behind
The only way to stay

Don't you know
I'm the end of what we'll be
And right below us
The last thing you'll see

In the water
I saw you drown
Down the water
I Saw you drown

Black Wizzard

W:O:A Metalgod
8 Aug. 2007
The silence awakes me
My heartbeat would so easily reveal me
Who am I what is left is it my mind
That constantly deceives me

I am beginning to doubt me
If what I feel and see is real
It seems as if I exist in different worlds
There is one in darkness
One is loss of time
One of self-doubt and one of hurt

All my pride has left me
My value as a human has been extinguished
My close ones' those who love
Disbelieve me won't believe me
So I got no-one to confide in
And what worse is
I'm beginning to accept this
My body's become my prison
My keepers are what you would call...

I am beginning to doubt me
If what I feel and see is real
It seems as if i exist in different worlds
There is one in darkness
One is loss of time
One of self-doubt and one of hurt


W:O:A Metalmaster
22 Jan. 2006
girl im a sexual attractive man
that makes me a good artist
this is my new single
i hope you like it

wealthy men hired me
to sing this song
that they wrote for me
theyre investing in
this quasi music video
and theyre paying
to get a bid on the radio

Yeah they're gonna sell a million
yea its gonna go plat- in - um

cause they'll market this song
to young impressionable
and insecure teenage girls
cause all you gotta say is
"ohh baby, i love you"
and "girl i need you in my world"

cause they'll market this song
to young impressionable
and insecure teenage girls
Cause all they gotta do
is find a sexually attractive man
that can sing all the words

and now the token rap verse
that doesnt make any sense
but helps to get a small percentage
of the urban music market

hey baby baby i can tell
that you are crazy crazy
shake that ass girl
my rhymes are gettin lazy lazy
these things im talkin bout have
nothin to do with the song baby
it doesnt matter
won't you show me that thong baby

thats how it works
in the pop music industry
2009 motherfucker
thats just how it be

cause they'll market this song
to young impressionable
and insecure teenage girls
cause all you gotta say is
"ohh baby, i love you"
and "girl i need you in my world"

cause they'll market this song
to young impressionable
and insecure teenage girls
Cause all they gotta do
is find a sexually attractive man
that can sing all the words

now im singing with my gay voice
to let you know that im sensitive
oh yea im singing with my gay voice
teenage girls love a sensitive boy

make money etc

rich men makin money off of
their investments
ooh its so sexual baby

girl i love you so much
i wish we could be together
unfortunately we can't cause
im rich and famous and you're not

but why dont you just go buy my album
and tell your friends about it to
so they also go out and buy it


14 Juli 2008
no encuentro palabras para decirlo
y a veces siento
que el pensamiento
es un idioma de signos... sin sentido
no siempre entiendo que sucede conmigo
zarandeandome voy
hasta que caigo
terriblemente borracho
tan solo dejame estar
un momento a solas
tan solo dejame en paz
este intervalo de tiempo
que siempre he estado perdiendo.
quizas en este precioso momento
pueda ser...
como tu, como tu, como tu, como tu...
prefiero explotar de tanto alcohol
con tu jarabe de flor venenosa
y vender a una madre
por otra copa.
tan solo dejame estar
un momento a solas
tan solo dejame en paz
este intervalo de tiempo
que siempre he estado perdiendo.
quizas en este precioso momento
pueda ser...
como tu, como tu, como tu, como tu..


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Jan. 2007
Flight Nr. 666, Gran Satania
Speed metal maniacs, drinking in their seats
Metal music pounding, all are drunk as hell
Alcohol and metal, and bitches on the beach

Bitches on the beach, let's fuck 'em!

Families are fleeing, when we come into town
Playing metal, drinking liquor, gonna thrash you down
Lock up your daughters, cos we are fucking pigs
Dressed in leather, spikes and chains, it's what those bitches dig!
Violence on the beach, we scare you all away
When we are in the water even sharks dare not to stay
Once peaceful island is now a boiling hell
Puking, fucking, drinking, thrashing every night and day!

Speed metal! Speed metal!
Speed metal! Speed fuckin' metal!

Volcano is erupting, fire in the sky
We laugh and party on, all around us die
We're swimming in the lava, we're surfing on the fire
Speed metal party, we will never tire!


14 Juli 2008
The silence awakes me
My heartbeat would so easily reveal me
Who am I what is left is it my mind
That constantly deceives me

I am beginning to doubt me
If what I feel and see is real
It seems as if I exist in different worlds
There is one in darkness
One is loss of time
One of self-doubt and one of hurt
All my pride has left me
My value as a human has been extinguished
My close ones' those who love
Disbelieve me won't believe me
So I got no-one to confide in
And what worse is
I'm beginning to accept this
My body's become my prison
My keepers are what you would call...

I am beginning to doubt me
If what I feel and see is real
It seems as if i exist in different worlds
There is one in darkness
One is loss of time
One of self-doubt and one of hurt

Hell's Ambassador

W:O:A Metalmaster
28 Mai 2007
I hate you, the pigs who turn the screws,
I hate everything you stand for

I hate the world we've bred
political pigs we've fed
our fathers left us nothing but a dead world

Black Wizzard

W:O:A Metalgod
8 Aug. 2007
Endless halls
Deep bottomless corridors
Where i have crawled through years of cold dead decay
Reaching for something i could never hold onto
Gripping around something so withering and fragile

I abused myself to a point where nothing was left
My days had become so gray and colorless
Slowly the ashes where sweeping around me
Falling deeper and deeper into dusk
Now i realize my soul was tainted (in disgrace)

So hard a surface, yet so easily broken...
Torn apart by truth and its sickening touch
Words came out but were painfully spoken
I never knew it would hurt so much

So hard a surface, yet so easily broken...


W:O:A Metalmaster
1 Dez. 2008
Auf kahlem Felsen unter Sternen
Saß im rauhen Winterhauch
Eine Drossel, und ich fragte:
"Warum wanderst Du nicht auch?

Warum bleibst Du, wenn die Stürme
Brausen über Flur und Feld,
Da dir winkt im fernen Süden
Eine sonnenschöne Welt?"

Antwort gab sie leisen Tones:
"Weil ich nicht wie andre bin,
Die mit Zeiten und Geschicken
Wechseln ihren leichten Sinn.

Die da wandern nach der Sonne
Ruhelos von Land zu Land,
Haben nie das stille Leuchten
In der eignen Brust gekannt.

Mir erglüht's mit ewigem Strahle
- Ob auch Nacht auf Erden zieht - ,
Sing' ich unter Flockenschauern
Einsam ein erträumtes Lied.

Dir auch leuchtet hell das Auge;
Deine Wange zwar ist bleich;
Doch es schaut Dein Blick nach innen
In das ewige Sonnenreich.

Laß uns hier gemeinsam wohnen,
Und ein Lied von Zeit zu Zeit
Singen wir von dürrem Aste
Jenem Glanz der Ewigkeit."

Laß uns hier gemeinsam wohnen,
Und ein Lied von alter Zeit
Singen wir von dürrem Aste
Jenem Glanz der Ewigkeit."