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Hell's Ambassador

W:O:A Metalmaster
28 Mai 2007
Lieber ein Unglück, das vertraut ist
als ein Zustand, den du nicht kennst
lieber Schmerz, den du erträgst
als ein Glück, das dich erschlägt

Lieber jeden Tag die Hölle
als ein Stück vom Paradies
solang du weißt woran du bist
und wo vorn und hinten ist.


W:O:A Metalmaster
27 Juli 2010
Thank you all for being here, to us it means a lot
So shoot your wife, get a beer and give us all you got
I say: Don't sway - call it Rock'n Roll!

Bang your head, raise your fist, let the beer be cold
Don't think of the future now we're not getting old
'Cause of - my friend call it alcohol

Don't get sober, don't you stray
Heavy Metal is our fucking way

Bang your heads and raise your glass
So move your ass
Being a drunkard takes it's toll
But that's how it goes when you play
Rock'n Roll

Come on all you metalheads, this one's for your ears
Your liver hurts? Give it some more beers
Do it all day - drinkin' alcohol!

If you wake up weary and you don't feel so well
Get some friends, get some beer - start to drink like hell
If your neighbours tell you, your metal makes them mad
Shoot them too, play it loud and bang your fuckin' head


W:O:A Metalmaster
2 Juli 2010
Die Sonne scheint, als hätte sie Van Gogh gemalt
Und auf dem Asphalt steht die Luft
Die Blumen blühn, als würden sie dafür bezahlt
Doch das lässt mich so kalt wie ihr Duft

Zu viele Frauen, zu viel Geld, viel zu viel, was mir auch viel zu gut gefällt
Mein Leben ist die Hölle - ich fühle mich so leer
Immer laut, immer bunt ist auf die Dauer nicht gesund
Mein Leben ist die Hölle, ich kann nicht mehr

Ich brauch kein Haus aus purem Gold, ich hab das alles nicht gewollt
Ich brauch nur etwas Ruhe, das wär nicht schlecht
Ich will nicht müssen, was ich muss; ich hasse diesen Überfluss
Ich brauch nur etwas Ruhe - dann komm ich schon zurecht

Ich kann doch nichts dafür, dass ich ein Glückspilz bin
Und jedes Herz gewinn, Tag für Tag
Das ist der Fluch der Menschen, die zu gut aussehn
Es hört niemand hin, wenn ich was sag

Und noch ein Flirt, noch ein Kuss - nur noch einmal vögeln, dann ist wirklich Schluss
Mein Leben ist die Hölle, wo ist der Notausgang?
Zu viel Sex, zu wenig Schlaf - wofür werd ich denn nur bestraft?
Mein Leben ist die Hölle, schon viel zu lang

Ich brauch kein Haus aus purem Gold, ich hab das alles nie gewollt
Ich brauch nur etwas Ruhe und etwas Zeit
Das Leben ist zum Lachen da, drum nehm ich Psychopharmaka
Ich brauch nur etwas Ruhe und Einsamkeit

In jeder zweiten Zeitschrift steht, wie gut es jedem Menschen geht
Der immer alles haben kann
Die Wahrheit ist, ich glaub nicht mehr daran ...


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Jan. 2007
When I was five years old
My mother said to me
Never trust a old man, boy
Or a teacher stoned by LSD

Now I see that my mother, she was right
Cause for my lovely butthole I'm gonna fight
Rapist, rapist, rapist
Don't stay out too late!
As long as there is rapist
There is hate

Now, I tell my own son
Who's growing up to be a man
Don't hang around with rapists
So, please, be a member of the neighborhood watch

But my son, sits staring back at me
And says: "old is beauty, you show your jealousy!"
Rapist, rapist, rapist
Don't stay out too late!
As long as there is rapist
There is hate!

Ha, ein böses Lied zu einem guzten gemacht. Kampf dem Rassismus 2.0 :cool:


W:O:A Metalhead
20 Dez. 2009
Puddi Puddi Puddi Puddi
Sugoku Dekkai Giga Puddi
Puddi Puddi Puddi Puddi
Kyoumo Pa-ti- Giga Puddi
Puddi Puddi Puddi Puddi
Dekakute Happi- Giga Puddi

Puddi Puddi Puddi Puddi Giga Puddi
Minnade Tabeyou Giga Puddi

Puddi Puddi Puddi Puddi Giga Puddi
Very Big ni Giga Puddi
Puddi Puddi Puddi Puddi Giga Puddi
Giga Puddi!

Giga Puddi Giga Puddi
Giga Puddi!

Puddi Puddi Puddi Puddi
Sugoku Dekkai Giga Puddi
Puddi Puddi Puddi Puddi
Kyoumo Pa-ti- Giga Puddi
Puddi Puddi Puddi Puddi
Dekakute Happi- Giga Puddi

Puddi Puddi

Giga Puddi

Puddi Puddi Puddi Puddi Giga Puddi
Minnade Tabeyou Giga Puddi

Puddi Puddi Puddi Puddi Giga Puddi
Very Big ni Giga Puddi

Puddi Puddi Puddi Puddi Giga Puddi
Minnade Pa-ti- Giga Puddi

Giga Puddi Giga Puddi
Giga Puddi!

Black Wizzard

W:O:A Metalgod
8 Aug. 2007
I'd like to see you in the morning light
I like to feel you when it comes to night
Now I'm here and I'm all alone
Still I know how it feels, I'm alone again

Tried so hard to make you see
But I couldn't find the words
Now the tears, they fall like rain
I'm alone again without you
Alone again without you
Alone again without you

I said stay, but you turned away
Tried to say that it was me
Now I'm here and I've lost my way
Still I know how it feels, I'm alone again

Tried so hard to make you see
But I couldn't find the words
Now the tears, they fall like rain
I'm alone again without you

I tried so hard to make you see
But I couldn't find the words
Now the tears, they fall like rain
I'm alone again without you

Black Wizzard

W:O:A Metalgod
8 Aug. 2007
Woke up to the sound of pouring rain
The wind would whisper and I'd think of you
And all the tears you cried, that called my name
And when you needed me I came through

I paint a picture of the days gone by
When love went blind and you would make me see
I'd stare a lifetime into your eyes
So that I knew you were there for me
Time after time you were there for me

Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand, I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say, I remember you

We spend the summer with the top rolled down
Wished ever after would be like this
You said I love you babe, without a sound
I said I'd give my life for just one kiss
I'd live for your smile and die for your kiss

Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand, I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say, I remember you

We've had our share of hard times
But that's the price we paid
And through it all we kept the promise that we made
I swear you'll never be lonely

Woke up to the sound of pouring rain
Washed away a dream of you
But nothing else could ever take you away
'Cause you'll always be my dream come true
Oh my darling, I love you

Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand, I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say, I remember you

Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand, I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say, I remember you


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Jan. 2007
Woke up to the sound of pouring rain
The wind would whisper and I'd think of you
And all the tears you cried, that called my name
And when you needed me I came through

I paint a picture of the days gone by
When love went blind and you would make me see
I'd stare a lifetime into your eyes
So that I knew you were there for me
Time after time you were there for me

Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand, I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say, I remember you

We spend the summer with the top rolled down
Wished ever after would be like this
You said I love you babe, without a sound
I said I'd give my life for just one kiss
I'd live for your smile and die for your kiss

Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand, I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say, I remember you

We've had our share of hard times
But that's the price we paid
And through it all we kept the promise that we made
I swear you'll never be lonely

Woke up to the sound of pouring rain
Washed away a dream of you
But nothing else could ever take you away
'Cause you'll always be my dream come true
Oh my darling, I love you

Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand, I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say, I remember you

Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand, I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say, I remember you



14 Juli 2008
Woke up to the sound of pouring rain
The wind would whisper and I'd think of you
And all the tears you cried, that called my name
And when you needed me I came through

I paint a picture of the days gone by
When love went blind and you would make me see
I'd stare a lifetime into your eyes
So that I knew you were there for me
Time after time you were there for me

Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand, I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say, I remember you

We spend the summer with the top rolled down
Wished ever after would be like this
You said I love you babe, without a sound
I said I'd give my life for just one kiss
I'd live for your smile and die for your kiss

Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand, I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say, I remember you

We've had our share of hard times
But that's the price we paid
And through it all we kept the promise that we made
I swear you'll never be lonely

Woke up to the sound of pouring rain
Washed away a dream of you
But nothing else could ever take you away
'Cause you'll always be my dream come true
Oh my darling, I love you

Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand, I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say, I remember you

Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand, I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say, I remember you



14 Juli 2008

I see my life like a ship in the rain
sometimes lost in the ocean
There's no aim - it's drifting away
There's no wind to set it in motion
Silence spreads its wings in the air
I can hear the waves whispering
And then I know what life means to me
- the endless waiting for a sign
Huh...when the wind turns to you
You feel a fresh breeze hits your sails
The voice of life whispers and sings...

I wanna hold you in my arms
I wanna hold you in my arms

Sea of hope - in the ocean of life
You can hear the voices singing
I search alone to find my way
To the shoreline of beginning
Huh...when the wind turns to you
You feel a fresh breeze hits your sails

The voice of life whispers and sings...

I wanna hold you in my arms
I wanna hold you in my arms

Through the storm Through thunder and rain
With hopes and dreams I search for an aim
Journeys beginning - Voices are singing...

I wanna hold you in my arms
I wanna hold you in my arms

Graf Koks

W:O:A Metalmaster
11 Aug. 2009
Lüneburger Heide
Mellom natt og dag
Gjennom månens lysskjær
Demrer et spekter av sort
Ved mørkets frembrudd
Haugbuen våkner
Underjordisk østenfor sol
Gjennom natteblåstens harde frost.

Rimfrostem krøller
Og draugsangen dør
Solen forsvinner
Og rød blir til død.

Mellom natt og dag
Mellom natt og dag
Gjennom natteblåstens harde frost
Gjennom draugsangens trollske ord
Kastes skyggene
Kastes skyggenes mørke lys.

Gjennom natteblåstens harde frost
Gjennom draugsangens trollske ord
Gjennom månens lysskjær
Gjennom skyggenes mørke lys


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Jan. 2007
Komm bei mich anne Seite, ich bin nett
Ich tu wat für die Beziehung und mach dat Bett
Ich tu mich auch die Mauken waschen
und ich klau Dich Schokolade zum naschen
und geh zum urinier'n auf dat Kloset

Jezt geb ich Dich 5 Mark für zum spar'n
Dafür tus'e nicht sofort nach Hause fahr'n
als Punker bisse immer scharf
und ich tu gern ficken wenn ich darf
bleib noch wat hier und nimm die letzte Bahn

Ref: Komm ma lecker, komm ma lecker, komm ma lecker unten bei mich bei
Pack mich da an wo et stinkt dann kauf ich Pommes für uns zwei
Komm ma lecker, komm ma lecker, komm ma lecker unten bei mich bei
Wenn man sich so gut riechen kann, dann ist man wohl mit der Nase

Du weißt ich bin nicht Krösus aber Siggi
Der steht auf dralle Frauen wie Miss Piggi
Ich zeig dich meine Dosen, lass Dich an meine Hosen
und aus der Hifi-anlage vom Vatter poppt der Iggy
Du weißt ich bin nicht mehr so'ne gute Partie
Doch so'ne chance wie heute kriegst du nie
Für lau zeig ich die Hoden, die häng schon bis zum Boden
Jetzt tu ma wat unternehm' ich bitte sie


Ich bin leider schon gebunden
und ich find dich auch sonst ziemlich überflüssig, ey
doch ich hab mich überwunden
und ich machet mal mit dich

Komm ma lecker, komm ma lecker, komm ma lecker unten bei mich bei
Pack mich da an wo et stinkt dann kauf ich Pommes für uns zwei

Komm ma lecker, komm ma lecker, komm ma lecker unten bei mich bei
Komm ma lecker, komm ma lecker, komm ma lecker bei mich bei
lecker, lecker, lecker, lecker unten bei mich bei
lecker, lecker, lecker, lecker unten bei mich bei

lecker Oi, lecker Oi, lecker bei mich Oi
lecker Oi, lecker Oi, lecker bei mich Oi