can anyone help me with a few questions...

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W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Some more very good advice for the Wacken newbies (like myself). I would hope the Glastonbury would warn a few just how "slick" it can get at festivals.

How would the Sacred Reich fans go with their T-Shirts I wonder. Not that I would suggest trying it.

Wonder how many non-kiwis would recognise that refference :confused:

It was a refference?


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Some more very good advice for the Wacken newbies (like myself). I would hope the Glastonbury would warn a few just how "slick" it can get at festivals.

How would the Sacred Reich fans go with their T-Shirts I wonder. Not that I would suggest trying it.

No problem with Sacred Reich-Shirts. In the metal scene, everyone understands that they were leftist. And normal german people have never complained to me either.


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Juni 2007
wieder in Deutschland
mmmmm i dont have enough money to buy metal t-shirts since my wife had always told me to buy 'decent' clothes. ugh. am i gonna be the only one in wacken with no metal t-shirts to wear? ugh. i hope the police will not arrest me for being different in wacken.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Mai 2007
New Zealand
mmmmm i dont have enough money to buy metal t-shirts since my wife had always told me to buy 'decent' clothes. ugh. am i gonna be the only one in wacken with no metal t-shirts to wear? ugh. i hope the police will not arrest me for being different in wacken.

>>> " You are all laughing at me because I'm different. I am laughing at all off you cause you are the same"

I am definately different here at home but I guess I will be just one of the many at Wacken. Allthough I would say I am probably not the typical Wacken stereotype considering I was old enough to drink legally when Metallica did thier first tour.

Solskinn Av Natten

W:O:A Metalhead
28 März 2008
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
many pagan (heathen) symbols where used by the nazi's... so as you say be carefull with some of them although I don't expact much trouble with most of the pagan symbols at WOA

I'm glad this topic was brought up, since it's something I'm a bit concerned about, as well. I'm heathen, and not only do I wear my Thor's Hammer constantly, I have the odal rune and the algiz rune tattooed on my inner arms. Does this mean people will expect me to wear long sleeves?? :eek:

I also heard that various Thor's Hammers were available for sale at WOA, so I would be surprised if people were encouraged NOT to wear / display them. :confused:


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
mmmmm i dont have enough money to buy metal t-shirts since my wife had always told me to buy 'decent' clothes. ugh. am i gonna be the only one in wacken with no metal t-shirts to wear? ugh. i hope the police will not arrest me for being different in wacken.
first year I was in Wacken with light blue trousers and a white shirt -> still alive ;)
I don't really own band shirts myself btw. don't like "collective individualism" :rolleyes: And I don't need to spend the money if I can get a black shirt for 2 Euros
There's no kind of clothing that you won't see in Wacken. Gothic stuff, Metal shirts, fur jackets, men in women's underwear, naked people...everything. ;)
chain mails :D

Awesome! :D

Actually, that will probably be a bunch of naked guys....nvm.
definatly :rolleyes:
I'm glad this topic was brought up, since it's something I'm a bit concerned about, as well. I'm heathen, and not only do I wear my Thor's Hammer constantly, I have the odal rune and the algiz rune tattooed on my inner arms. Does this mean people will expect me to wear long sleeves?? :eek:

I also heard that various Thor's Hammers were available for sale at WOA, so I would be surprised if people were encouraged NOT to wear / display them. :confused:
Thor's Hammer is absolute no problem ;)

The Rockit's

6 Jan. 2008
New England Sea Coast
2)If you happen to be Heathen (I'm speaking from personal experience) then obviously don't bring anything with a fylfot on it. Be careful of anything with runes on it and if you can, tuck your Mjollnir (Thors Hammer) under your shirt or face to possibility of being labelled a Nazi or similar. I had no problem with this back home in New Zealand :confused:

Quite interesting actually (as I am pagan/heathen/wiccan or "ancient Celt"). It's too bad ancient symbols have been bastardized into negative connotations. The fylfot, the reversed pentacle (to the publics eye).

In the U.S. anyone wearing the "fylfot" (turned of course the way the Nazi's turned it) is considered Aryan Nation (neo-nazi).
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Solskinn Av Natten

W:O:A Metalhead
28 März 2008
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Quite interesting actually (as I am pagan/heathen/wiccan or "ancient Celt"). It's too bad ancient symbols have been bastardized into negative connotations. The fylfot, the reversed pentacle (to the publics eye).

In the U.S. anyone wearing the "fylfot" (turned of course the way the Nazi's turned it) is considered Aryan Nation (neo-nazi).

Any symbols that have ever had multiple 'meanings' can easily be misconstrued. Here in Canada it's the same as what you describe. Though, I find most often it's the intelligent people who ask questions to try and understand, and the asshats who yell 'racist!' without provocation :rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
and no its not a question about how to get to wacken from the airport :p I'll spare that question till another day ;)

To cut a long story short this is my first time going to wacken and at this rate I'm going to be going by myself since most of my friends have different (tasteless in my opinion) tastes in music and would rather go to a mcfly 'gig' than come with me and no I'm not joking!
So that leads me onto question one...

1)How easy is it will it be to get around the festival for someone who doesn't speak much German? my German skills are extremely weak and whilst I would try and perk them up a bit I'm also going to China at the end of August and I know bugger all Chinese so that's taking priority language wise at the moment.

2)Is there any cultural differences I need to take into account as to not to offend/get arrested/ cause a riot/ general piss people off?

3) Do they allow gas cookers at wacken and if so do they sell the gas cylinders there? I'm flying in to Hamberg and usually I bring a gas cooker in with me to save a bit of money. flying in means obviously not taking gas cylinders with me unless I want my plane to explode of course!

Apologise in advance if some of these questions have been answered or are just rather obvious, I have been told I'm rather simple :D

ill also be there alone too. so far, message me if you want to meet up.

Sam Przyborowski

W:O:A Metalhead
2 Apr. 2005
1)How easy is it will it be to get around the festival for someone who doesn't speak much German? my German skills are extremely weak and whilst I would try and perk them up a bit I'm also going to China at the end of August and I know bugger all Chinese so that's taking priority language wise at the moment.

2)Is there any cultural differences I need to take into account as to not to offend/get arrested/ cause a riot/ general piss people off?

1/ Most peole speak English to some extent. A bit of basic German and you're fine. Matter of fact first uple of years, I spoke no German at all and was fine.

2/ Don't mention the war.

3/ This is an old thread.


27 Jan. 2009
nazi punks fuck off

Would wearing my napalm death nazi punks fuck off shirt get me in trouble? Features a swastika quite prominently but has an undeniable anti-Nazi message.