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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Kate McGee schrieb:
Some things about this are still a little unclear...

I read somewhere that the public transport travellers would have to pay for camping because everyone is bringing so much waste to Wacken and the costs for cleaning it all up in the end are just too high...or something like that.

I don't know if or where you read that...but on the x-mas ticket of 2005 it says "3 days festival + camping ticket" and on the 2006 ticket it just says "3 days festival ticket" or something like that...the word "camping" doesn't appear in the same way as it did in the past. I think on the other side of the ticket there is (in both cases) mentioned that the campgrounds are opened on Wednesday etc., but that's it.
This is what I received from the W:O:A Newsletter last week.

W:O:A Newsletter schrieb:
From now on you can order the original 3-days Hard-Ticket at the known
advanced-sale agencys, CTS and Ticket-Online.

Who want to get their tickets as a X-Mas gift, please order before the
20.12., so that you can be sure that the ticket will be delivered in time!

Price stable like 2005:

3-days ticket 03.08. – 05.08.06 just EUR 72,-

[ plus 7,- EUR advanced sales fee (no 10%) plus p&p ]

TIPP: pre-payment is the best and cheapest type of order!

The 3-days ticket includes:

> free entrance for the Wacken Swimming Pool starting from 31.07.06
> camp directly at your car
> no limitations of drinks and food on the campingground
> reservations of campingground for groups with more than 50 peopple
> only grass surfaces, short ways to the festivalground and village
> mind. 60 Bands on 4 Open Air Stages and a Tentstage (Headbangersballroom)
> Videoscreen, LED-Info-Systems
> beer-garden
and much more...

2-days tickets and tickets for the "NIGHT TO REMEMBER" will follow.

You can order the tickets directly at [ ]

Ticketlink: [,2013,nlwoa20051201 ]

More infos about the first FULL METAL BAG ( with Campingticket,
Parkticket, Garbagecampaign, Specialcampaign, Goodies etc) at the W:O:A
will follow in the next 14 days!

It doesn't mention any changes at all. But then again, anything is possible.

Reverse Swing

8 Jan. 2006
Hey I have a question about the camping to. :)

Seen as I'm coming over from England I want to make sure about this 100%. :)

On Wacken's website, when you click on openiing times, for camping it's says the site doesn't open until Wednesday (yes I know it's still for 05 info, but this where the problem is, for me anyway) Last year I was lucky enough to camp with a few German people my friend knew from this forum, and they said they had arrived on Saturday. So seen as I'm coming over from England, planning to arrive at the festival site on Tuesday, will it actually be open?

Is that opening time something thats on there, but they never stick to, or is it something new for this year? Sorry for being a n00b. LOL



W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Reverse Swing schrieb:
Hey I have a question about the camping to. :)

Seen as I'm coming over from England I want to make sure about this 100%. :)

On Wacken's website, when you click on openiing times, for camping it's says the site doesn't open until Wednesday (yes I know it's still for 05 info, but this where the problem is, for me anyway) Last year I was lucky enough to camp with a few German people my friend knew from this forum, and they said they had arrived on Saturday. So seen as I'm coming over from England, planning to arrive at the festival site on Tuesday, will it actually be open?

Is that opening time something thats on there, but they never stick to, or is it something new for this year? Sorry for being a n00b. LOL

The campsite will be open then. It always is. That thing about wednesday has been there since the dawn of time. I think it's when it "officially" opens and they can start stealing our money with those awful, shitty hamburgers everyone seems to buy...

Reverse Swing

8 Jan. 2006
Zombi schrieb:
The campsite will be open then. It always is. That thing about wednesday has been there since the dawn of time. I think it's when it "officially" opens and they can start stealing our money with those awful, shitty hamburgers everyone seems to buy...

Oh right, cheers for clearing that up, much appreciated. So the camp will be open but they wount be any of the shit food available? lol


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
those burgers are a fucking disgrace, the godammned bread is cold, as is everything except the "meat", which is burnt beyond all hope of taste...

and what the FUCK is so "viking" about a fucking hamburger???

i mean seriously, I can make better tasting stuff with my own shit.


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
LooseCannon schrieb:
But I liked those shitty hamburgers.
if you're talking about the stall that has the different burgers premade and colour coded, that's one of the best tasting burgers i've eaten..but then your senses are just positively heightened at Wacken (except during last year's rain and mud bath) and everything seems probably much better than if you had it at home :p

One day I gotta figure out how to get a bottle of the Wacken mead home!!!
From what I can tell, my alcohol limit to bring back to Australia is 2L regardless of alcohol % :mad:
Last year I used it up bringing back some Krombacher for a friend, some Finnish cidars for my father and my unfinished favourite Feigling vodka :D