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Sam Przyborowski

W:O:A Metalhead
2 Apr. 2005
I usually don't sleep a lot camping at festivals. But then thats normally because I don't bring a matress, ground sheet, sometimes not even a pilloow or whatever. And as soon as its light, thats it...I'm up. So I'll think fuck it and start drinking again.


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Jan. 2002
Apeldoorn- Netherlands
Sam Przyborowski schrieb:
I usually don't sleep a lot camping at festivals. But then thats normally because I don't bring a matress, ground sheet, sometimes not even a pilloow or whatever. And as soon as its light, thats it...I'm up. So I'll think fuck it and start drinking again.

You don't need all that shit..only a sleeping bag :) and even that....! :D
well, that is the way I spend my first years of wacken. But since I have a selfinflating matrass and a pillow with be it's far more comfortable


15 Dez. 2005
I'll post my question here instead of making a new thread as its camping related.

Do I definately get to park my car where I camp, or is it possible I may not be able to, and would I be right in assuming all of this is included in the ticket price?

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
Blacksteel schrieb:
I'll post my question here instead of making a new thread as its camping related.

Do I definately get to park my car where I camp, or is it possible I may not be able to, and would I be right in assuming all of this is included in the ticket price?

1) I've never heard of any case in which somebody could not park next to his tent. Or at least very close to it...theoretically it depends a bit on how many people already are on the campground you are directed to and on how intelligently they have parked their cars...whatever.

2) There will be kind of a combined camping/parking ticket. Up to 2005, there was only a parking fee (I think 20 euro per car, no matter how many people were in the car) and camping was included in the festival ticket, but next year they are going to charge a fee for camping - no matter if you are coming by car or not. Something like that.
They said there will be more information about this in January...


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2003
NM i.d.Opf.
Website besuchen
Kate McGee schrieb:

1) I've never heard of any case in which somebody could not park next to his tent. Or at least very close to it...theoretically it depends a bit on how many people already are on the campground you are directed to and on how intelligently they have parked their cars...whatever.

2) There will be kind of a combined camping/parking ticket. Up to 2005, there was only a parking fee (I think 20 euro per car, no matter how many people were in the car) and camping was included in the festival ticket, but next year they are going to charge a fee for camping - no matter if you are coming by car or not. Something like that.
They said there will be more information about this in January...
Well, in 2002 there was a case, when somebody didn't camp next to his car... he was kinda our neighbour. BUt this was only the case because after having arrived he immediately got drunk , wandering around, and for some reasons nobody understood he had his tent with him and out it up somewhere next to us... we didn't knew him, nobody knew him and it was only the second day, when his mates came around and picked him up. at that point of time, he had just got up, asking us who he was and funny stuff like that... well we could't help him... luck for him, that his mates bothered about where he was... :D :D :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Kate McGee schrieb:

1) I've never heard of any case in which somebody could not park next to his tent. Or at least very close to it...theoretically it depends a bit on how many people already are on the campground you are directed to and on how intelligently they have parked their cars...whatever.

2) There will be kind of a combined camping/parking ticket. Up to 2005, there was only a parking fee (I think 20 euro per car, no matter how many people were in the car) and camping was included in the festival ticket, but next year they are going to charge a fee for camping - no matter if you are coming by car or not. Something like that.
They said there will be more information about this in January...
Tell me it isn't true!!!

If so, that would mean that "we" (the public transport travellers) also would have to pay for "parking"? That'd be rediculous!!! :(
Besides, I read that camping was once again included in the ticket price, but I may be wrong.

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
Quark schrieb:
Tell me it isn't true!!!

If so, that would mean that "we" (the public transport travellers) also would have to pay for "parking"? That'd be rediculous!!! :(
Besides, I read that camping was once again included in the ticket price, but I may be wrong.
Some things about this are still a little unclear...

I read somewhere that the public transport travellers would have to pay for camping because everyone is bringing so much waste to Wacken and the costs for cleaning it all up in the end are just too high...or something like that.

I don't know if or where you read that...but on the x-mas ticket of 2005 it says "3 days festival + camping ticket" and on the 2006 ticket it just says "3 days festival ticket" or something like that...the word "camping" doesn't appear in the same way as it did in the past. I think on the other side of the ticket there is (in both cases) mentioned that the campgrounds are opened on Wednesday etc., but that's it.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
It would really suck if you have your ticket and everything, arrive by public transport, and then have to pay once more at the gate for camping.