gnoff schrieb:yes, there's a yeast thingy at the bottom
gnoff schrieb:Som explanations perhaps, was in a hurry yesterday
My beer is un-filtered and non-pastuerized.
It's also bottle conditioned.
All in all, it has a yeast sediment, if you wish to avaoid it, and still haven't opned the bottle, lt it stand upright in a cool dark place, i.e. the fride, for some 24 hour.
Then pour all of the beer at once in one motion into a glass, leaving the last 1-2 centimeters in the bottle.
Did you try it yet though?
Lady_Wolf schrieb:Not yet, tomorrow probably when MU is here and does not have to drive
gnoff schrieb:My first commercial beer ever is being released on The Rover in Gothenburg on Wednesday November 1.
gnoff's APA
I am exited
gnoff schrieb:My first commercial beer ever is being released on The Rover in Gothenburg on Wednesday November 1.
gnoff's APA
I am exited