Anyone here speak italian?

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W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
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Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
I southern Europe there are some fucking great wines with a lot of flavours. If you go to France, Spain, Italy or Portugal you'll realize how right I am. :D

@monochrom: there's an argentinian guy in this forum (LordWalter) who speaks both German and Spanish. And his German must be really good, because he's been working and studying in Germany for 3 years now. He would be just perfect for your project. (and he's a really nice guy, he'll have no problem in helping you)

Thx sodomy, I'll contact him.


W:O:A Metalhead
18 Okt. 2002
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WEEEE PD!!! *Felice* Un salutone a tutti!!!!!!!!!
Io parlo italiano (strano..), se devo tradurre dall'inglese ok, ma dal tedesco no O__O''
Comunque mannaggia a dio com'è mai che nel periodo natalizio nessun concerto figo a Roma????????? Mi sta pijando troppo male...
La Birra Moretti fa schifo.

Ah il 23 gennaio all'Alpheus c'è il mitico concerto DEATH SS + DARK LUNACY + MY SIXTH SHADOW!!! Accorrete numerosi!! :D

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
I southern Europe there are some fucking great wines with a lot of flavours. If you go to France, Spain, Italy or Portugal you'll realize how right I am. :D

Yes, that's true. But this year I'll go to Luxemburg and I'm already studying the language (NecroPhil is a native speaker) and it's said that they have good vines too. I'll try them, for sure.
But also Austria produces fine vines. I've heard in the news that a lot of white wine is exported to Germany and other European countries.