Anyone here speak italian?

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Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
Originally posted by Kate McGee
*doesn't understand anything any more*

To explain even it's quite late... I wasn't here for some months... I would do translations german-english-italian, but monochrom only wants proficent people. I'm not a native speaker in Italian, but my skills are not that bad, I made my final exam in this subject, was a lot in Italy, visited language courses there and reached the 3rd place on a competition in Austria for Italian speakers. (That's what I said in Italian - not exactly the same but quite the same)
And still in University I'm having Italian courses (and I took French ones, too).
In 2002 my neighbours were from Torino and I found out that those young guys (aged around 25 years) haven't ever studied English. That's the problem in Italy, there aren't much young people knowing English or German, I think in N-Italy there are more chances to learn both, but I've really no exact information about the school system there.
And this my advantage, I'm having this term exams in 4 languages inculding my mother tounge. The disadvantage is: I'm not a native English/Italian speaker but I organised the Soccer-Cup 2002 bilingual and it worked good. English people got me. And even if there would be mistakes in Italian translation: A short sentence: Sorry guys, I'm Austrian and trying my best - and I hope all Italians will forgive me ;)


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Well, I never said sth about PERFECT - and you'd be one of the coolest persons to have on this project, you little austrian language wonder.

*Still hopes to get an e-mail from the Wacken guys soon*

Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
Originally posted by monochrom
Well, I never said sth about PERFECT....

To remind:

'.... I heard about Maiden and Thordis, but this is for all who are proficient in italian. '

That was the very first posting. Anyway, Maiden is from Rome and a native speaker. :D

But no quarrels - I wasn't interested in anymore after reading that posting.

Mi dispiace per gli italiani, ma se avete bisogno d'aiuto o traduzioni, dimmi! Forse avró bisogno d'aiuto quando andró in Italia per studiare :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Thordis V.
To remind:

'.... I heard about Maiden and Thordis, but this is for all who are proficient in italian. '

That was the very first posting. Anyway, Maiden is from Rome and a native speaker. :D

But no quarrels - I wasn't interested in anymore after reading that posting.

Mi dispiace per gli italiani, ma se avete bisogno d'aiuto o traduzioni, dimmi! Forse avró bisogno d'aiuto quando andró in Italia per studiare :D

Excuse my bad english - the stress would have been on ALL who are proficient.

Oh well *sigh*, too sad...


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
I southern Europe there are some fucking great wines with a lot of flavours. If you go to France, Spain, Italy or Portugal you'll realize how right I am. :D

@monochrom: there's an argentinian guy in this forum (LordWalter) who speaks both German and Spanish. And his German must be really good, because he's been working and studying in Germany for 3 years now. He would be just perfect for your project. (and he's a really nice guy, he'll have no problem in helping you)