Any Scots on this forum?

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W:O:A Metalgod
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
All the scots are in Sevilla (Spain), because of that football match..... :):)
Yeah, go Celtic!!!:D
My team Borussia Dortmund played several times against them and it was always great meeting the fans. When I was in Scotland last year I visited a match of the champions leauge- qualification. Phantastic atmosphere at Celtic Park!


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Originally posted by Brat
Warthog and I were talking about Scottish metal and came up with a cool concept...

Metal music with bagpipes and guys wearing kilts on stage...

Are there any bands like that? In fact are there any metal bands coming out of Scotland? We couldn't think of any.

zombis half-scotish and wolfy lives enar scotland

theres putritourture...cant spell his name..he lives in scotland..hehh:p


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Re: Re: Any Scots on this forum?

Originally posted by dittohead
zombis half-scotish and wolfy lives enar scotland

theres putritourture...cant spell his name..he lives in scotland..hehh:p

What the fuck are you on about?!?!? leeds in nowhere near scotland its further than london!!!!! you peinarse!


Zombis half scottish me and him are going to have a showdown when he comes to leeds....godamn it :p

welll a drinking session i mean ;)
