AIIEEEE! I thought this was a METAL festival...?!

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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Aug. 2008
The rule holds. In any internet discussion, the probability that someone will be called Hitler is 100%.

those complaining about BFMV are a bunch of whiney bastards really. and you all remind how fucking irritating metalheads can get when it comes to the age old tired debate about what is 'metal' enough, most likely because you're worried someone might question your sexuallity.

also gnoff is awesome.

Out of sheer spite I hope they book Linkin Park or Fred Durst.

i'm gonna repeat it just for you... what i've said is that NO ONE!!! RE READ FOR FUCK's SAKE!!! NO NONE!!! should be left aside because of his taste in metal. what i've said was that if someone doesn't like manowar doesn't make it less or more metal, if you wanna put the fucking things on that way, than anyone else, like the other guy said about gnoff, that he was something less just because he don't like manowar, wich is pretty stupid that lack of respect about his opinion, and you can read it... WASN'T ME WHO SAID IT!! that's why my expression about THE OTHER GUY WHO OFFEND gnoff, not me.

so if you didn't understood this time... sorry, I don't give a flying fuck about what you think anyway. this has nothing to do with sexual orientations but with tastes in metal, wich is pretty diverse as you can imagine, if you can understand that. some friends of mine like manowar, others don't... who cares? as long as we respect each other and be friends, there's nothing more important than that.

one last thing... next time you quote me... please don't. i don't really like people that judge me, without knowing me at all. and these are my final words to you.
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W:O:A Metalhead
4 Nov. 2007
Toronto, Canada
Usually by this time in the year they seem to have announced more than a few bands I'd look forward to...but this year it seems that not only have they announced few bands that I like, but quite a few bands that I actually fucking despise. So far they seem to be fucking up the anniversary. Will still be going this year since I already have my ticket, unless it turns even more disastrous than it already is. But right now I'm thinking next year I might just check out another festival instead. Drinking with cool people at Wacken is great...but if it comes to be that there are only very few bands I like going then its not worth it anymore. Not to mention that the kind of people that listen to shit like bullet for my valentine aren't the kind of people I particularly enjoy talking to. Talk about "different opinions" all you want but to me shit is shit, metalcore garbage is metalcore garbage.


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
:DGood thing they let us know where this festival was heading before I bought the tickets. Last year I was screwed cause I bought the Tickets early. So far there aren't any bands that inspire me to travel across the world to the small town of Wacken. Though I do miss shitting in the public toilets. AC/DC this Saturday at the Los Angeles Forum!!! I'm about to be Thunderstruck!!! Fuck yeah!!! Alchohol, Pussy, And Weed!!!!

You ddi enjoy me introducing you to mead tho right :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland

Actually, I only quoted you concerning the hitler thing. the rest was directed at the thread starter, hence the "those complaining about..."

Maybe this wasn't quite clear enough, but I wasn't judging YOU. But I like how quickly you judged me.

But after that post, now I am judging you. Go fuck yourself. :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
i'm gonna repeat it just for you... what i've said is that NO ONE!!! RE READ FOR FUCK's SAKE!!! NO NONE!!! should be left aside because of his taste in metal. what i've said was that if someone doesn't like manowar doesn't make it less or more metal, if you wanna put the fucking things on that way, than anyone else, like the other guy said about gnoff, that he was something less just because he don't like manowar, wich is pretty stupid that lack of respect about his opinion, and you can read it... WASN'T ME WHO SAID IT!! that's why my expression about THE OTHER GUY WHO OFFEND gnoff, not me.

so if you didn't understood this time... sorry, I don't give a flying fuck about what you think anyway. this has nothing to do with sexual orientations but with tastes in metal, wich is pretty diverse as you can imagine, if you can understand that. some friends of mine like manowar, others don't... who cares? as long as we respect each other and be friends, there's nothing more important than that.

one last thing... next time you quote me... please don't. i don't really like people that judge me, without knowing me at all. and these are my final words to you.

Actually, I only quoted you concerning the hitler thing. the rest was directed at the thread starter, hence the "those complaining about..."

Maybe this wasn't quite clear enough, but I wasn't judging YOU. But I like how quickly you judged me.

But after that post, now I am judging you. Go fuck yourself. :D

Sorry, but *Zombizustimm*


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
This thread is bringing out the worst in people :p

Soon I'll start acting like the asshole I am beneath all this good stuff!


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Jan. 2008
Los Angeles
You ddi enjoy me introducing you to mead tho right :D

Well if it isn't my favorite English man! Hey Brother whats going on? Dude, I fucken love that you introduced me to mead! So you still coming to Los Angeles in March? Dude, we're taking you to Las Vegas!!! We're gonna get drunk and take you to a strip club. Fuck yeah. I had the most excellent time with you at Wacken. Especially when we began to feel the effects of mead and we fell in the piss ditch. Fuck Yeah!!!