AIIEEEE! I thought this was a METAL festival...?!

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20 Aug. 2008
Hey, in all fairness, I just hate BFMV. It's not going to ruin the festival for me. It can be hard enough getting to see the bands you want to see sometimes so I'm not worried about missing a band I hate.


19 März 2008
Bullet for my Valentine are playing.


I'm so happy I could just...

Oh wait, I hate Bullet for my Valentine.

Did somebody say there's a beergarden where you can go and drink while bands you hate are playing? And a metal market?

And even a lovely village with friendly people an good food?



19 März 2008
Oh hold on, I just noticed the flaw in my plan. I'll be going to these places when they're at their busiest if I go when Bullet for my Valentine are playing.

Well, at least I'll be in good company.


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Nov. 2008
If you don't like the music, don't go to that particular show out of the 60-80 or whatever bands are playing WOA.

If you absolutely can not stand being on the same festival as a band you do not like, good like on finding a festival at all.

And most importantly, don't go.

It is however fairly interesting how incredibly non-tolerant some metal fans are towards things they find are not "real metal" or maybe "not metal enough".

I couldn't care less for power metal, but I won't hate the bands that play it or the fans that listen to it.

For all I care, Manowar could be run in a blender, deep fried, and fed to dolphins, but I won't start a thread about how much I hate Manowar.
I actaully don't hate Manowar itself or the music that I can't say I really ever listened to, and I won't go into why the dolphins need to eat them.

Everbody is entitled to their own opinion though, of course, but this more or less constant nagging about how crappy the bands are getting and how expensive the festival has become and how greedy the orga's are getting and how much it sucks your fav band won't come and...

I totally agree with you!
I also dislike Power Metal very much, still, I respect everyone's music taste. So far there are app. 8 bands I want to see, so it's not that bad, plus more than anything I want to enjoy some cool vacation abroad meeting new people and listening to music. I know I wont have time to see all 80 bands, so I dont see the point of bitching about it.

Maybe BFMV are really good metal live, I've never seen them, so I have no idea... so far the little I've listened to on the radio and on youtube didnt fascinate me, but we all know most of the bands are way better live than on cd, so...

I dont know, see how the beer works for me, maybe I'll go there and squeeze some 15 year olders who are very much in love with BFMV and are "very metal and very tough" :D

Northern Death

W:O:A Metalmaster
1 Mai 2004
Dlm am Wildpferd
If I didn't know you better...
I'd almost hear Smoo talking! :D

Aber ich kenn dich länger als heute!

(and I'll go anyways, yeah, again!)
I don't want to dictate anyone to go or not to go. I just expressed my opinion about Wacken [->Line Up] since at least 2007. And I would congratulate anyone who doesn't waste money on it any more, but it doesn't disturb me anyway that people I like still go there. :cool:

Sieh du lieber mal zu, dass du deinen Arsch zum Weihnachtsmoshpit bewegst! :o


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Nov. 2008
I think WOA is still a Metal festival, its line-ups might not be much of your taste and I'm sorry to hear that, but still... some of it it's still Metal... :rolleyes:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I don't want to dictate anyone to go or not to go. I just expressed my opinion about Wacken [->Line Up] since at least 2007. And I would congratulate anyone who doesn't waste money on it any more, but it doesn't disturb me anyway that people I like still go there. :cool:

Sieh du lieber mal zu, dass du deinen Arsch zum Weihnachtsmoshpit bewegst! :o

Leider nein. Nikolaus in den Niederlanden. Kann und will ich nicht verpassen wegen Owen.
Tut mir leid!

Und Geld verschwinden an Wacken mach ich schon seit 5 Jahren nicht mehr.


25 Aug. 2006
For all I care, Manowar could be run in a blender, deep fried, and fed to dolphins, but I won't start a thread about how much I hate Manowar.
I actaully don't hate Manowar itself or the music that I can't say I really ever listened to, and I won't go into why the dolphins need to eat them.

For all I care, you could run in a blender, be deep fried, and fed to dolphins and I wouldn't start a thread, because you are a toothed cunt.