A National Tragedy

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Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
Quark schrieb:
The Mayor of N.O is pretty pissed!!! And I have to say, that he is right in every way!!
He is.........and I still don't know who is responsible for the fact that help came so late...?

Troops from Iraq? I wonder what's worse.......being forced to stay in a country where your life is endangered all the time? or having to protect an area after a hurricane like this, thousands of dead bodies everywhere, the smell..............


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Kate McGee schrieb:
He is.........and I still don't know who is responsible for the fact that help came so late...?

Troops from Iraq? I wonder what's worse.......being forced to stay in a country where your life is endangered all the time? or having to protect an area after a hurricane like this, thousands of dead bodies everywhere, the smell..............
If I am correct, it is the Governer of Louisiana who's responsable for the coordination of the help in his state. (To the US'ens, correct me if I'm wrong)
But whoever may be responsable, he didn't do what he was supposed to do, and that was providing aid to the inhabitants of N.O.

And I have to say, you hear more complaints from N.O. than from Biloxi (Mississippi) Apparently the governer there knew what to do.

(Again, correct me if I'm wrong)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
mugabe schrieb:
Funding to reinforce the flood walls was cut by the Bush administration. The war in Iraq costs $177.000.000 per day. Relate to that.
Yep, and now he ordered an investigation because he wants to know why it took so long before there was any help.

It's gonna be a Katrina-gate. (hopefully he's to step down, and new elections are organized. So there'll be a much better President (of the US)

I'll have to ask my nephuws(?) to vote. (although they live in Belgium, they are both born in the US)


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Ironically, the final nail in Dubya's coffin will be the rising price of petrol. Now that everyone and their aunts drive SUVs, this will be too much to bear. Sad, really.


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
just got this mail - if anyone is interested to help band members:

For Immediate Release
September 8, 2005


Philadelphia: Manic Music & Distribution today confirms its preparations for a benefit show and other collection efforts to directly aid members of Crowbar, Soilent Green, Eyehategod and Goatwhore - all suffering substantial losses in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

How can you help?

BANDS: If you are in a band and would be available to perform please contact Paula Hogan at 610-828-8339. Manic Music has already teamed with the management of The Trocadero Theater (Philadelphia) and a date for the event will be announced shortly.

EQUIPMENT: If you work for an equipment company and may be able to donate new or b-stock items to replace damaged or destroyed guitar cabinets, heads, cables, effects, strings, picks, skins and more please send email to PJH1029@aol.com.

MONEY: Donations to help acquire clothes, food, shelter and other necessities are greatly welcome. Many of the bands effected have families/children who need supplies. Cash, checks and money orders are acceptable (payable to Manic Music & Distribution). Please send to Manic Music & Distribution, PO Box 707, Plymouth Meeting PA 19462. These donations unfortunately are not tax deductible but will go a long way in helping the displaced musicians. All monies received will in kind be properly handled with a confirmation of receipt. A donation list will be posted at www.manicmusiconline.com .

All donations received will be pooled together and collectively assist the members of Crowbar, Soilent Green, Eyehategod & Goatwhore. Crowbar's latest album, Lifesblood for the Downtrodden (Candlelight), was released on February 8. The band were in the process of completing their second video for the song "Slave No More" when Katrina struck. Soilent Green's latest album, Confrontations (Relapse), was released July 19. The band were on tour when Katrina struck and are finishing up dates this week. Eyehategod recently released Preaching the End Time Message. The band were planning a second US tour for later this year. Watch for further details. Goatwhore, recently signed to Metal Blade Records, are working on material for their label debut expected for release in 2006.

Manic Music & Distribution is a Philadelphia-based company. Launched January 2001, the company exclusively handles North American promotion/marketing duties for Candlelight Records, promotion for Peaceville Records and various releases from Snapper Music. The company's touring division is a single stop for touring/production needs. Current/recent clients include Hammerfall, God Forbid, Powerman 5000, Immolation, Soilent Green, Meshuggah, The Esoteric, Crowbar, Melt Banana, Vader, Mnemic, Underoath, Eyehategod, The Red Chord and more. Manic will launch is merchandising line this fall.

MANIC Music & Distribution
PO Box 707
Plymouth Meeting PA 19462
ph: 610-828-8339
fx: 610-828-3770