A National Tragedy

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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Kate McGee schrieb:
damn.......and I thought British gas was expensive when I went to Scotland some years ago......

but actually this thread wasn't supposed to be about gas and oil only.
well..it is about the USA ;) :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
mugabe schrieb:
I thought he'd already done that, with the stonewalling of the Kyoto protocol and all, for the sake of the economy.
But I think that was not what Hellebore ment. He/She ment that Bush is fighting with soldiers against the water :D

Although you have a point with the Kyoto protocol. But remember that his predecesser (?) Clinton didn't want to sighn Kyoto as well. And I had more faith in him than I'll ever have in Bush.


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Quark schrieb:
But I think that was not what Hellebore ment. He/She ment that Bush is fighting with soldiers against the water :D

Although you have a point with the Kyoto protocol. But remember that his predecesser (?) Clinton didn't want to sighn Kyoto as well. And I had more faith in him than I'll ever have in Bush.
At least Clinton managed a plan for CO2 emission regulations, which Bush promptly scrapped during his first two months in office. Bush has also revoked the "clean water act" and opened sanctuaries for exploitation. There's more at http://www.bushgreenwatch.org/

Hey, it's our planet too.


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Juni 2004
Mpls. MN USA
Yes, this is really terrible. Thousands are dead and hundreds of thousands homeless. :confused:
Everyone knows the government could have been more on the ball on this one....but it's too late now.
Now there are hundreds of thousands of refugees who lost their homes, and people all along the coast with damage and worse that are still waiting for help and are going to need a lot of it to help rebuild.

NOLA Mayor speaks

They are bringing in troops now (some from Iraq) to help.
A LOT of other help is needed still, and will be for a long time unfortunatly.

I've donated $ and am cleaning out my closets to bring to the thousands of people they are in driving to MN in the next few days. This is really crappy.