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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I hate it when I can't think of the name of a movie/song/whatever. Because then I'm forced to Google until I figure it out or until I go crazy.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I even posted about it here. :D A bit over a year ago. Somehow I got to thinking about it again and now I want to find it again even though I went on a crazy Google rampage before and never found it. :(


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Actually, apparently I did find it. I found it again only to post what posted before and realized I actually found it the first time. :D

I hate it when I can't think of the name of a certain movie.

But I hate it even more when nothing I google brings me any closer to figuring it out.

So on the off chance any of you know of an apocalyptic/storm movie where part of it has mother and daughter who wanted to borrow a vehicle from a dirty guy but the guy starts trying to hit on the daughter and goes too far and they both run and take the vehicle anyway. And maybe the guy dies in the storm thingy, I can't remember. But then they're driving and the freak lightning starts striking everywhere along the deserted highway they're on, so they get out and run and hide in the sandy/desertlike area under trees and around shrubs.

Usually I can figure out the name of the movie even if all I can remember about it is a key sentence. But somehow this time I can't get it even though I can describe pretty much a whole scene. :rolleyes:

There's also another movie I can't think of involving a quarantine - which should be easier to search for, but none of the movies on IMDB with that as a keyword are it (or at least, the titles don't look familiar). Can't remember much else about the movie. Besides a scene at the beginning where the main character's young daughter catches it and the government takes her away.

And it's possible actually that they're the same movie. :o But probably not.

Oh yea... the disease thingy spread from drinking the tap water.

Maybe I can find it now...

Nope, of course not. :rolleyes:

All that comes up is "The Crazies" but it's not that.

I want to find this. Grr.

I FOUND IT :D (And it actually is the same movie)

I now declare myself the master of Google.

Meteor Apocalypse in case anyone's interested.

The reviews say it sucks (though they say that about most disaster movies), so if you usually agree with reviews then you might not want to watch it. But I usually think that nearly every movie is fine so :o


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Awesome! I'm sure she will be fine for a while.

So far she's doing really well :) She still doesn't have a payroll number yet, so no ID badge, no swipe card and no access to anything :o I'm really hoping I can get that sorted out tomorrow...hopefully. I'm also hoping to find time to get her to take instructions from the work manual alone, and make sure it all makes perfect sense to her. Wish me all kinds of luck!


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
So far she's doing really well :) She still doesn't have a payroll number yet, so no ID badge, no swipe card and no access to anything :o I'm really hoping I can get that sorted out tomorrow...hopefully. I'm also hoping to find time to get her to take instructions from the work manual alone, and make sure it all makes perfect sense to her. Wish me all kinds of luck!

all kinds of luck!


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
So far she's doing really well :) She still doesn't have a payroll number yet, so no ID badge, no swipe card and no access to anything :o I'm really hoping I can get that sorted out tomorrow...hopefully. I'm also hoping to find time to get her to take instructions from the work manual alone, and make sure it all makes perfect sense to her. Wish me all kinds of luck!

All kinds of luck!