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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Out of curiosity, if you Europeans (and whoever else) were to take a trip around Europe (like travelling around, not just visiting a festival or two), how much would you budget per day?


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Out of curiosity, if you Europeans (and whoever else) were to take a trip around Europe (like travelling around, not just visiting a festival or two), how much would you budget per day?

Trying to figure out a reasonable estimate of what I should plan on saving up for when I go in two years (a bit early to plan but I'm bored :p).

I'm naturally super frugal and only spent about 150 euro for my last three week trip (excluding trains, flight, two nights in a cheap hotel, and festival tickets). I want to be able to be flexible and do what I want. Which although that would never include a restaurant costing more than 20-30€ per person or an expensive hotel (highest I'd go is a private room with a private shower, anything nicer is excessive and unnecessary), could include kayaking trips, skydiving, theme parks, and whatever else.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Judging by that, 10€ a day is enough, but some travel sites say to aim for 180€. :D Or at minimum 100€ for a "rock bottom" budget - which includes such horrible sacrifices like hostels instead of hotels and only eating at a restaurant once a day. :eek:

Given I'm going to Scandinavia for at least a week or two, I think I'll try for at least 50€ a day. Maybe the 100€ even just for peace of mind.


15 Aug. 2012
California, USA
Judging by that, 10€ a day is enough, but some travel sites say to aim for 180€. :D Or at minimum 100€ for a "rock bottom" budget - which includes such horrible sacrifices like hostels instead of hotels and only eating at a restaurant once a day. :eek:

Given I'm going to Scandinavia for at least a week or two, I think I'll try for at least 50€ a day. Maybe the 100€ even just for peace of mind.

I consider it as what you're doing that day into budget. While at wacken my budget is not that high as there are no hotel fees or anything of the sort. Though the alcohol budget sees quite the increase :D

I find the mercure hotels to be nice and fairly affordable, sign up with the rewards program if you plan on staying in hotels a lot of nights, its worth it :) plus its free


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I consider it as what you're doing that day into budget. While at wacken my budget is not that high as there are no hotel fees or anything of the sort. Though the alcohol budget sees quite the increase :D

I find the mercure hotels to be nice and fairly affordable, sign up with the rewards program if you plan on staying in hotels a lot of nights, its worth it :) plus its free

Hotels are excessive, I'd be doing hostels the entire time. :p And it's impossible to take into account what I'm doing every day, except at festivals, because the rest of the time I'd be travelling entirely on impulse. No plans at all - except for having to be in certain festivals at a certain time. :D


5 Mai 2013
Anyone with couchsurfing experience? The above discussion reminded me of the concept, which always intrigued me - yet seemed *ahem* uncomfortable. :p

Should the answer be "yes", please share your experiences, impressions, etc! :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Anyone with couchsurfing experience? The above discussion reminded me of the concept, which always intrigued me - yet seemed *ahem* uncomfortable. :p

Should the answer be "yes", please share your experiences, impressions, etc! :)

I've only really couch-surfed with friends/people I kinda knew from forums. Only one of them turned out to be a murderer (I wish I was making that up).
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