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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
haha yeah, I can see that would make it tougher. Dang annoying gym music. I have yet to ever be in a gym with good tunes.

There used to be another gym just across from the gym I attend (I noticed it went up for lease a few days ago). Looked like a real muscle-head kind of gym, but they sold heaps more in the way of supplies, so I popped in one day to get some lifting gloves (to reduce calluses more than anything). I noticed they were playing ...And Justice For All over the speakers :D

Guardian of Silence

W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Dez. 2011
Tom Kyle
I bring along my mp3 player when I remember it (which is most of the time), but when I'm on the machines that sit right under the gym speakers it's hard to block it out. I've learnt to look up before I pick a machine to make sure it's as far away from a speaker as possible :p

just get some construction worker's earmuffs. Put them over your earphones, and you don't hear anything else.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
fucking tired... and need to go to graspop tomorrow... arg!
hope I'll be able to sleep it off tonight, but for now I can't seem to fall asleep.. have tried like 10 times today already :p


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
That sucks! hope you manage to get some sleep.

I hope so too.
I should have never staid up late and drink to much beer on monday... damn me :p
I should have stuck to "the plan" but no.... I was all like. ah a few beers won't hurt... a well a few more wont hurt... a well not going home and sleep on somebodies shitty couch won't hurt... and guess what... it hurts :p


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
fucking tired... and need to go to graspop tomorrow... arg!
hope I'll be able to sleep it off tonight, but for now I can't seem to fall asleep.. have tried like 10 times today already :p
I doubt it. The exitement will be too big to get a decent good night sleep.
Been there, done that! :p
I hope so too.
I should have never staid up late and drink to much beer on monday... damn me :p
I should have stuck to "the plan" but no.... I was all like. ah a few beers won't hurt... a well a few more wont hurt... a well not going home and sleep on somebodies shitty couch won't hurt... and guess what... it hurts :p

Tja.. des avonds een vent, des morgens ook! :p


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Lots of new music to listen to today. Turisas released the first song of their new album, and I came across released music of Civil War - the band with some of Sabaton's old members. Both are awesome. :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
Lots of new music to listen to today. Turisas released the first song of their new album, and I came across released music of Civil War - the band with some of Sabaton's old members. Both are awesome. :)

i found the Trusias song not bad but also not realy good....and to be honest: itˋs a litte bit boring:o


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
i found the Trusias song not bad but also not realy good....and to be honest: itˋs a litte bit boring:o

It's definitely different. No, it's not a Miklagard Overture or End of an Empire, but if every one of their songs was that epic, it'd dimish the epicness of all of them (see: Equilibrium. Still a good band though). The new album's supposed to be very varied, and very different from the others, and I wouldn't want anything less from them. Mathias is a musical genius - he knows you need the fast parts and the slow parts, the epic parts and the quiet parts, some fun parts and some serious parts. As long as they give me another Miklagard or two somewhere on there, I'll be happy. :D


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
This song I'd say is one of the fun songs. :p I like it a lot, just in a different way than some of the old ones. For a "title track" I actually prefer it to Stand up and Fight and March of the Varangian Guard. Wasn't particularly into them - the rest of the album was far better (though that's by Turisas' standard. Even my least favorite songs by them I like a lot more than most other stuff. :D).