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W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
True, but it'll cost you a fortune if you buy everything infield.
So.. the easiest things you can carry without the glass problem is canned beer. And sodas in platic bottles. (and tetra packs etc. )
Nothing you would want to put strong alc. beverages in. I don't even like beer in PET bottles! :eek:

Do you happen to know whats the biggest tetra pack they will let you bring to the infield? We still have to buy ours but I want the biggest one I can because I will need A LOT of water.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I guess if we stay for long enough we'd be saying the same thing :p Pretty sure by the time I got around to visiting Careo and drinking actual proper nice beer, I was thinking "€3.50 for 0.5l? THAT'S AN OUTRAGE!" Then I come back home and I'm lucky to pay that for 375mL during happy hour for an Australian brew :(
Tja.. But I reckon you won't be awake for that long.

3.50 for a .375!? :eek: That's 9.33/liter!
Bit less expensive than Graspop then.

3.50 per half a liter is OK, in my eyes. Still much but more or less acceptable.
G'day! :)
Do you happen to know whats the biggest tetra pack they will let you bring to the infield? We still have to buy ours but I want the biggest one I can because I will need A LOT of water.

I think it's 1.5liters tetra. But the Festival ABC can answer that question. :)