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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Me too. But not that hot as it is here now. The Kempen/Campines (GMM area) is even worse. 34°C today! :eek:

I still have to check wetter.com/de for the weather in Brande-Hörnerkirchen!

Oh good, so summer has actually arrived over there :D
Brande-Hörnerkirchen was bloody HOT, even by my standards last year (in the day time, I was freezing at night :p). I should have brought more shorts with pockets :o


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
True, but it'll cost you a fortune if you buy everything infield.
So.. the easiest things you can carry without the glass problem is canned beer. And sodas in platic bottles. (and tetra packs etc. )
Nothing you would want to put strong alc. beverages in. I don't even like beer in PET bottles! :eek:

We could only dream of paying the price they charge for Jäger in the festival supermarkets in this country, especially at festivals! A typical Australian festival punter might get drunk before arriving, pay the equivalent of €6+ for a "watered-down beer in a [disposable] plastic cup", and whinge about paying so much for beer, but would rather pay the money to stay drunk. For mixers it'd be even more.

I don't even really like most beers, but getting drunk on beer is fun every once in a while :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
We could only dream of paying the price they charge for Jäger in the festival supermarkets in this country, especially at festivals! A typical Australian festival punter might get drunk before arriving, pay the equivalent of €6+ for a "watered-down beer in a [disposable] plastic cup", and whinge about paying so much for beer, but would rather pay the money to stay drunk. For mixers it'd be even more.

I don't even really like most beers, but getting drunk on beer is fun every once in a while :D

But for us are expensive. €3.50 for a 0.4l beer in plastic, is, to our standards, expensive. It's just a matter of what you're used to.
Though Belgium's Graspop is more expensive per liter. (€2.50/0.25)
Easy calculation:
Graspop: 10€/liter
Wacken: 8.75€/liter

Edit Piaf zegt: And Wacken sells liter cups for €7.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
But for us are expensive. €3.50 for a 0.4l beer in plastic, is, to our standards, expensive. It's just a matter of what you're used to.
Though Belgium's Graspop is more expensive per liter. (€2.50/0.25)
Easy calculation:
Graspop: 10€/liter
Wacken: 8.75€/liter

Edit Piaf zegt: And Wacken sells liter cups for €7.

I guess if we stay for long enough we'd be saying the same thing :p Pretty sure by the time I got around to visiting Careo and drinking actual proper nice beer, I was thinking "€3.50 for 0.5l? THAT'S AN OUTRAGE!" Then I come back home and I'm lucky to pay that for 375mL during happy hour for an Australian brew :(