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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I don't know if I like facebook... I deactivated my account because of my doubts indeed:D! It's quite useful for keeping in touch and stuff like that, for sharing pictures and stuff like that. but to be fair, I barely write things about myself in there, because that's the way I am.:p and also, I got annoyed by some things that some people post:confused:! I don't care how many times that girl went to the toilet today, and I also don't care if that guy bought the new iphone or whatever... :ugly: but I don't exclude the possibility to reactivate it. who knows:ugly:

Pretty much.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I don't know if I like facebook... I deactivated my account because of my doubts indeed:D! It's quite useful for keeping in touch and stuff like that, for sharing pictures and stuff like that. but to be fair, I barely write things about myself in there, because that's the way I am.:p and also, I got annoyed by some things that some people post:confused:! I don't care how many times that girl went to the toilet today, and I also don't care if that guy bought the new iphone or whatever... :ugly: but I don't exclude the possibility to reactivate it. who knows:ugly:

I'm not much of a big writer either. But I do reply frequently, and for me it's a (cheap) mean to stay in contact with my familiy in NL and friends in NL, the US and Germany. Those aren't places I go to every day.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
No. Just saw them at the Headbangers Festival this weekend. Great band...thought, maybe you know them.
I bought everything from this band. CD, Shirt and the Patch :cool:

Generally speaking I only hear of bands if they play in Brisbane. I used to listen to community radio, go to heaps of shows, etc. These days I'll leave the house if there's a band I like on the bill but I might still end up socialising for a large portion of the night. I've turned super boring :p


W:O:A Metalgod
8 Juli 2009
I'm not much of a big writer either. But I do reply frequently, and for me it's a (cheap) mean to stay in contact with my familiy in NL and friends in NL, the US and Germany. Those aren't places I go to every day.
Do I'm posting a lot?
Generally speaking I only hear of bands if they play in Brisbane. I used to listen to community radio, go to heaps of shows, etc. These days I'll leave the house if there's a band I like on the bill but I might still end up socialising for a large portion of the night. I've turned super boring :p
Then go outside and see this band!!!