50,000 before W:O:A 2009!

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I'm going for Carcass, At The Gates and Gorgoroth!
its not that its particularly hard, you just need to know what places to avoid and how to diffuse situations, I've had 20 years of it going on around me so i'm pretty used to the idiots and bigots here.
the main problem is that there is no real opportunity over here to do something with music, there is no industry, just gives me more of a reason to escape!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I'm going for Carcass, At The Gates and Gorgoroth!
its not that its particularly hard, you just need to know what places to avoid and how to diffuse situations, I've had 20 years of it going on around me so i'm pretty used to the idiots and bigots here.
the main problem is that there is no real opportunity over here to do something with music, there is no industry, just gives me more of a reason to escape!

I'm going for lunch now.

See ya!!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
I'm going for Carcass, At The Gates and Gorgoroth!
its not that its particularly hard, you just need to know what places to avoid and how to diffuse situations, I've had 20 years of it going on around me so i'm pretty used to the idiots and bigots here.
the main problem is that there is no real opportunity over here to do something with music, there is no industry, just gives me more of a reason to escape!

So you're thinking of re-locating when you have a chance then? Would england or Scotland be better? Or maybe you are considering another part of Europe or the USA?
So you're thinking of re-locating when you have a chance then? Would england or Scotland be better? Or maybe you are considering another part of Europe or the USA?

yeah man definately, I was considering Germany for a long time, heard nothing but good things about there and its really central to Europe for touring.
Also thought about going to somewhere like New York or California, places that have a lot of public interest.
London would be better than here but by no means great, the only good thing is that with Myspace being so eaily accessible a lot of groundwork can be cut out!


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
yeah man definately, I was considering Germany for a long time, heard nothing but good things about there and its really central to Europe for touring.
Also thought about going to somewhere like New York or California, places that have a lot of public interest.
London would be better than here but by no means great, the only good thing is that with Myspace being so eaily accessible a lot of groundwork can be cut out!

Those all sound like good choices. I think that Europe is more receptive to metal than the USA though it is gaining more momentum all the time. Your band is named Army of Scum? My name is Adam by the way. Myspace is a good tool for sure!
yeah man thats my band, my names steve
we'll hopefully have a few better quality recordings up with a few days, recording vocals and getting the mastering started tonight, everything else is done!
Europe would be a good place to start I reckon, I think its possible to make a living quite easily in Europe with metal but with the right kind of exposure the USA would be great, so many places to play!
apparently the japanese love their metal too, could be a future investment!


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
yeah man thats my band, my names steve
we'll hopefully have a few better quality recordings up with a few days, recording vocals and getting the mastering started tonight, everything else is done!
Europe would be a good place to start I reckon, I think its possible to make a living quite easily in Europe with metal but with the right kind of exposure the USA would be great, so many places to play!
apparently the japanese love their metal too, could be a future investment!

Nice to meat you Steve! Your music sounds pretty good, keep it up mate! The USA is definitely a big market. And yeah japanese are big metal fans. Touring and seeing lots of different places would be so great, and of course gaining exposure and experience along the way. Some areas in America are more metal friendly than others of course. The good thing would be to get on a tour with other bands. Bands that are better known to help you get the exposure. Of course you already knew that.


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
I see that you are the guitarist! That's cool! I am a beginning guitarist, very very much a beginner. I got a late start at it so I'll never be a pro, never be that good, it's something fun to fool around with. I'd love to play drums again, I used to play, many years ago. I just don't have the space for a full kit. And the neighbors would freak out if I began making all that noise! :D
yeah i'm with ya on that one, it would take us to tour with someone who is well known but still wild heavy like Dying Fetus (would be right up my street!)
nice to meet you too Adam, glad ya like the tunes!
guitar is all about perseverance, with the right encouragement it doesn't matter how old or young you are, I have friends who far outshadow my playing but have only been at it a few years! what really matters though is the ability to write a good riff, someone could be as technical as could be but that doesn't matter if they write nothing memorable.